Revel GEM or Wilson Cub 2 ?

I am thinking about upgrading my beloved Wilson Audio "Cub 1" speakers, which function really great in my 19 m² room. Now I have the chance to purchase one of the aforementioned speakers. From what I have read about the speakers I prefer the Revel.

- Has anyone ever compared the Revel GEM to the Cub2?
- Is the GEM capable of delivering enough bass? I was quite surprised, how good the Cub 1 performed in that area and need a speaker that can deliver at least 50 hz at higher volumes.
- Would the Revel F-50 be a good pick for my room or is it just too big?
- Any other suggestions?

Thanks very much!

Best regards,

Why do you think these speakers would be an "upgrade" for beloved speakers that function really great in your room?

I could be wrong but this sounds like a bad case of upgraditis? It concerns me that you are leaning toward the Revels based on what you've read about them, which leads me to believe you have never heard them.

I would for sure audition the new ones before selling the old ones. The new ones will surely be different, but unless you like them better you will just be sitting there wishing you had your old cubs back. Wilsons, like most speaker lines, have a family sound. Since you like that sound perhaps a move up the Wilson line would be a better choice. I don't think a move from Cub 1 to 2 is going to do much for you unless you just happen to get a killer deal on the 2's. Even then you may prefer the 1's.
You may also want to consider the Krell LAT2 Speakers (avail. In Black or Silver). These, the GEMS and CUB2 are arguably the best stand-mounts in the world, and will handily out perform most modest-sized floorstanders. From my experience, the CUB2 is the front-runner here. The CUB2 (with port(s) contribution) will go down to around 40Hz, plus has an excellent top-end and incredible imaging. Also, the Wilson Stands are painted to match the CUB2, and are beautiful and available in many colors. All (3) retailed for $10K and can be had used for around half that amount. The Revel & Krell are excellent, no doubt, but the Wilson is unique in its performance, even better than the (lifestyle-designed) Duette that somewhat replaced it. Regarding the Revel Performa Speakers, these are entry-level hi-fi and I don’t feel compare to a state-of-art mini-monitor (stand-mount). You will get a bigger sound (bass and loudness), but not a better sound in my opinion, plus these stand-mounts are highly efficient and will require much less power to run and therefore be far more tolerant of different Amplifiers (Tubes, Hybrids, SET, etc.). Plus, can be backed-up close to a wall with out smearing the bottom end as large floorstanders do.
sounds like change for the sake of change. revel and wilson are awfully similar.
You would very likely enjoy the Wilson Duette very much. It is significantly more dynamically nimble, articulate through the midrange, and tonally convincing at the frequency extremes than the Cubs. Expensive? Yup, but very, very tasty.