Warmest speaker?

What do you feel the warmest speakers are?

that is the simple clarification i was looking for :) what are we meaning to convey when we speak of warmth. imo warmth is not a positive attribute in a spkr sound. if listeners want to add bass boost etc that's great, but i prefer a neutral spkr as a starting point. maybe 'liquid' or 'non-analytical' might be closer. semantics in audio discussions can be problematic. so much has to do with room and upstream gear that it all gets blurred. i heard thiel 7.2(?) at a dlr and they sounded distant and lifeless but i know from others they can be breathtaking.

The Vandy 5A is one of the best speakers I have heard. Much more accurate throughout the range but in particular through the bass region. I believe this has to do with the ability to tune the bass frequencies to account for room characteristics, etc. The Quatro is designed similarly but to my ear not nearly the equal of the 5A. It is the rest of the line that to me sounds fat, bloated and SLOW. This, combined with a honey colored mid and a slightly recessed top end leads me to characterize the models below the 5A (and to a lesser degree the Quatro) as WARM. I'm not Vandy basher, I just think the models from the 3A sigs downward sound overripe and ponderous. I can live with the warmth through the mids and the high frequencies as well--but overall just not a speaker for me.

Dseid--heard them all, multiple times, multiple places, multiple hours. Why so testy?
Correct, "warmth" is not a good quality in speaker voicing. Dakato puts the Vandy line of 3A down as "overipe/ponderous", IOW bloated. Another bloated, "warm" image is that of the B&W line. Could live with that sound. There are many others, but I'm only "picking" on these 2 as they are very popular. Sort of balancing the hype around these speakers. Oh yeah its just my opinion, but after 30 yrs in audio I think I have a pretty good ear. IOW "you can't fool me" Warm means distortion level is very noticable. Warm = fatigue sets in after 1 hour of listen.
What do you mean by 'warm'? To me, it means an exaggerated low end and lower mid-range. I hate that kind of sound. Vandersteen comes to mind...
Correct, an exaggerated, over-extended/bloated /muddy midrange. This is "warm". As opposed to "cool" which is accurate/clean/FIDELITY to the musical image. Vandersteen are very warm, B&W's are warm. "Cool" speakers a very rare breed. Though i know of only one.