Kef vs Thiel

I have a pretty good setup going and I believe my system can handle the very truthful Thiel speakers. I have a set of Kef Reference Ones and used to have an old set of 103s (which is where I fell in love with the Kef sound!).

Looking to do an upgrade and came across a guy with a set of Reference Model Fours. I also have a perspective with a set of Thiel 3.6s. Where should I go! Yes, I do have available power for both of these sets!

Give me some opinions, I like my Jazz, Female Vocals, and classic Guitar. This is a real pickle!
Apples vs Oranges. I think the solution is to own both and change back and forth. They offer such differing sonic signatures, both pleasurable...

I've made this kind of decision with regard to amps, owning one tube integrated and one solid state integrated.

And now I own Silverline Sonatina Mk II and Thiel 1.6's, and I'm thinking, hmmmm, instead of choosing just one, given how different they sound and both great, why not keep both.

Great gear tends to hold it's value so the actual cost of ownership over several years might not be so great.

I know at least one other audiophile who adopts this same attitude.

Of course if you carry it to extremes then your home ends up looking like a dealership....


ps: Your first move though is to get a REL sub!
Depends on type of music you play your room and system. I am sure they can both please when everything else upstream is right.
kef. i have a pair of kef reference 2 in my rec room and i preferred these to the thiels that i auditioned. kef's are a warmer speaker whereas the thiel were more on the cool side, less midrange and bottom end. if you are looking for speakers, i would expand your search and listen to Totem. i currently use the mani 2's in my listening room and (IMO) these speakers sound more musical than any kef's or thiels i have listened to. (i have auditioned the kef reference 4 along with the smaller and all the way up to the larger thiel's). good luck
Apples and Oranges.
"More musical."

Skater you say you have a system that "can handle Thiels" but what do you mean by that? What source(s) and amp are you using?

KEF and Thiel are very far apart in design goals and sonic characteristics; that's why this thread, in its current form, will get you alphabet soup for responses.

Do you want accuracy or euphony?