Jolida 502A - Other owners, what speakers?

Got a Jolida 502A on the way and I need to get some speakers. What is everyone else with this amp using for speakers? I realize that my music taste, source and room layout will factor in but, if possible, I'd like a short list of what I should audition. Will probably be paired with a Pioneer DV-05 for now until I can get a Rega Planet Orig/2000. Thanks.
I used a Planet 2000 and a 502 to power a pair of Magnepan MMGs in a small room.

I later replaced the MMGs with Soliloquy 5.3s, while not as open as Magnepans, were also a good match.
i use a 502B modded and do not know if there is much diff between 502A. same 60 wpc. fwiw tho, i use meadowlark kestrel 2's. at 89db and 'stable' ohm resistance i think they are a very good match. have to find used as m-lark is defunct but drivers are apparently easy to locate should one blow.
Here is a bit of an off the wall suggestion for you: Sound Dynamics 300ti. These are great speakers that image well and sound fantastic. I have a pair in my BR system that I am currently driving with a 30wpc tube amp and a tubed pre. They are 4 ohm and I think about 89db and yes you do have to turn the volume up a bit but they sound great! I am having a Fisher 500c rebuilt that will be used with these and it is only 30 watts too. These speakers sold for $800 full retail but were discounted to about $500 and can be found for $250 to 300 in good shape on the used market. It took me several years of listening to a lot of speakers to bump these out of my main listening room. These speakers are one of the true audio bargains of all time. Hippy man, I think a pair of these should be on your list of considerations as well.
Thanks for the responses!

Anyone have any experience with the 502A and Usher? Specifically the x708, x718, or x719?

Haven't heard the 502a and Usher combination you mention, but I would think they would sound very well together. Perhaps you might want to sent an email to Bill Baker at Respond Audio asking him this question. Bill is well known for his "mods" to Jolida amps, and until recently used to be an Usher dealer. If anybody would know how Jolidas and Ushers sound together it would be him.

Anyway, here's a link