what's under your Parsifals?

I am enjoying a new pair of Parsifal Encores, using the standard brass cones that come w/ the speaker.

Wondering what you use under your Parsifal? some I've seen use the Stillpoint platform, some Symposium, but I'm also wondering if just changing out the standard brass spikes with something like the audiopoints will make a nice improvement? i'm looking for a cheap tweak now, with a plan to save for a better shelf or platform later...

Two platforms made of high-density fiberboard, then the spikes that came with the Ovations. I'm still dialing them in after one year. Lately, I've been trying the second of two configurations recommended by Julian, with the speakers farther apart. Bass is definitely improved with the speakers closer to the room corners.
Hi Steve,
Yes, I am still using the Reference HDL's, they are attached only to the mid/tweeter module, as recommended by Lloyd Walker. They do a nice job of cleaning up the high frequencies (I didn't know there was any hash there until I installed them). As for the Svelte shelf, I wouldn't say that it made a bigger improvement than the Audio Points, but it was more expensive. It is still much cheaper than the Symposium Ultra platform that is custom made for the base though. I believe the Parsifal Svelte shelf was about $500.
Peter of Symposium recommends the Svelte shelf first, as he feels it makes a bigger improvement for less $$$ than the Ultra platforms, FWIW.

ok, sounds like maybe what i'll start with then is the HDL, audiopoints and the svelte shelves. thanks john.
Still tweaking the set up of my Ovations, so I have the spikes that came with them. When, and if, I get around to tweaking the spikes I will let you know.

But, I have this tip: John Q came by to help me set them up and at one pont he screwed out the spikes on the back side so the speakers which tilt them about 5 degrees forward. It had the amazing effect of lifting the soundstage up by about 4 feet....

Try it and poat your results.
I'm going to be using a set of (very) hardwood blocks (1.75" thick) under the speaker to see if the bass can be tightened up as it's on a suspended floor. The spikes go directly on this. I also found that Verity will sell the new aluminum plinth used in the Ovations to Parsifal owners, and they're a touch less expensive than the Svelte, I believe ( & better looking IMO).

Boneman: can you post a picture of your speakers on their Apex feet? What kind of floor are they on? It would seem the Apex feet would do their best on a slab floor. Just curious.