what's under your Parsifals?

I am enjoying a new pair of Parsifal Encores, using the standard brass cones that come w/ the speaker.

Wondering what you use under your Parsifal? some I've seen use the Stillpoint platform, some Symposium, but I'm also wondering if just changing out the standard brass spikes with something like the audiopoints will make a nice improvement? i'm looking for a cheap tweak now, with a plan to save for a better shelf or platform later...

JB, I tried recently tilting the Verities forward using the spikes and experienced an increase in richness and bass warmth. Definitely worth trying for all Verity owners. I imagine the effect depends a great deal on your listening height.


What kind of angle were you able to create? I was only able to get 0.7mm higher in the back than the front - or about 1.5 degrees (if my trig is right) across the speaker. I think twice that might be really interesting to try.

What I found by doing this was an increase in the height of the sound stage by about 1.5-2ft. I also raised the speakers on a 2" stand made of solid, heavy and high density wood. This isolates them a little more from the suspended wood floor.

I've got each of my Parisfals on a 3/4 inch slab of high-density fiberboard (carpet underneath over a suspended floor). The angle is such that the front of each woofer box is still angled slightly back, but not as much as before. I haven't actually measured the angle, just verified with a level that they are roughly at the same angle.

All of you guys need to try the sistrum stands, they make your speaker sound like a major update. Every thing improves from dynamic and imaging and bass and treble responses. Even the audiopoint is better than the stillpoint , since stillpoints copied the design from Starsound.
Hi guys, I found a great way to make sure that the Parsifals are both at the same tilt angle. I suppose this will work with any speaker that has a flat top. Use a laser level (available at any hardware store) and place it at the top of the speaker. Then shine the laser at the center of the opposite wall. Measure the point where the laser lands. Make sure that the laser lands at the same point for both speakers. Bingo: now they are at the same tilt angle.

I calculated the angle I achieved this way and it is only about 1 degree down. But that seems to make an appreciable difference in the sound. I also think that leveling both speakers at exactly the same angle has improved the imaging quite a bit.
