Rockport Mira and Mira Monitors

Anyone listened? I listened to the Mira's, but the Monitor is apparently new. Anyone seen or heard them yet?

Really nice sounding stuff, albeit expensive as heck. Miras are $13500, the new monitor is $5800.

Just curious if there are any Rockport owners out there, or if anyone is looking purchasing.
Alun - I took a look at the Rockport website ( and didn't see the Monitors. I can only assume that they are too new, and information hasn't been posted there yet. I would suggest calling Rockport. The phone number is on the website, but I wrote it down while I was there: 207-596-7151

Good luck!
Thanks Jfz, maybe it's exactly what I'm looking for. If you don't mind my asking, what do they retail for?
heard the mira (along with rockport's other offerings ,including the arrakis and the hyperions, which i now own (hyperions)), and they are truely at a different level of most of the spekaers i have auditioned in the past 2 years.

for the money the miras represent a tremendous value, both sonically and visually.just my $0.02.
Value is yet to be determined :-)
$10K for some might be a newer car, for others it may be a new speaker system. I'm hoping that Rockports entry level speaker wont cost as much as a new (to me) car.
Cheers! that the Monitor will hold down cost mainly by sacrificing at the bottom end and the ability to play loud. (The Rockport Mira versus Mira Grand, which costs almost $30,000, seem to differ largely on those two dimensions.) I found the Mira to be splendid in all respects, so if my guess is right, the Monitor should still be an excellent choice. An exception would be if you have a large room.