Sophia 2 against a wall, with Meridian processor?

I’m working with a difficult long and narrow room that requires my speakers to be placed on a bookshelf of pushed right up against the wall, on the short side of the room. I have a pair of Wilson Audio Cubs 1 that are currently in the bookshelf and they sound really poor. I went this weekend to listen to the Wilson Duette and Sophia 2. I’m considering the Duette because of the room challenges; I listened to the Sophia 2 because I could. I was quite impressed with both speakers, but not surprisingly thought the Sophia sounded better than the Duette. I’m going to be auditioning the Duette on the Wilson stands at my home and they will be placed right up against a wall.

The dealer is recommending that I go with the Sophia 2 and a Meridian processor with room correction. He said the Sophia 2 has the same footprint as the Duette when it’s on the stand. He said the Meridian would solve any problems I have by putting the Sophia up against the wall.

In all the reviews I’ve read about the Sophia it seems that placement is pretty important and I’m leery of the idea that I’ll get full potential from the Sophia against the wall, even with the Meridian.

So what do you think? Any advice on this issue is greatly appreciated.

It's my understanding that the Meridian processors only process the bass; and cut it only. Look at Tact Processors if you are really looking for room processing power or DQX I believe is the other brand.

How about creating a false wall with fabric and placing the speakers behind that so you can actually get them out far enough. Use the Wilson voicing technique to see how far from the wall they have to be..
You might be better off by going with an on-wall design like a Gallo A/V Reference or one of the Martin Logans. I think either of the Wilsons will sound fairly good, but not great. Your room really limits what you can achieve, so I would be wary about over spending.
I'll be interested to see how you like the Duette in your house on stands. Hopefully with the dealer setup?? I'm convinced that if you are going to spend the money for wilson, you really should spend the money to have the dealer set them up. (If it costs extra, sometimes it does not)
You NEED to speak to Wilson. I'm not a dealer so I do not have an enormous amount of experience with this, but I have played around with my own WP7s and they sound nasty when they get too close to the wall in back of them. The congestion, peakiness and bloat that I hear may be related to problems generated by putting the rear-facing ports too close to a room boundary. I can't imagine how a processor would effectively change the radiation of sound from these ports. Again, I'm merely a lowly consumer, so I could be completely wrong. But, I would still check with Wilson before plunking down the sheckels.
You might consider calling Wilson Audio and ask their opinion. They are very particular about the placement of their speakers in owner's homes for optimal enjoyment.