Dynaudio Contour S5.4 & S3.4 Owners?

Any problems getting used to the tweeter below the bass drivers? Unusual configuration, very few speakers set up this way. Just wondering. Thanks!
The tweeters as placed are closer to normal ear level which helps to open up the soundstage. Unless I put my ear right next tot he speaker I can't tell where the sound is coming from - tweeter or the other drivers.

Who cares where it is placed as long as it sound good?
The tweeter was designed to be at ear level hence the placement. Extraordinary speakers!
Had my S3.4's for just over 3 years now and still am amazed by them. I think they are probably permanent - even the wife loves them, which is a good sign! She has a better ear than I do anyway. Ha!

As for the tweeter, it still occasionally distracts me. Plus I am 6'6" so they tend to be a touch below my ear level. I seem to recall reading that this alignment was in having to do with room reflections, but I may be mistaken...?
You are correct. Positioning the woofer in the middle of the room instead of by the floor eliminates early reflections from the floor.