xover settings for Avantgarde owners - survey.

Hi - I have been "playing" with different xover settings on my Unos and have found noticable differences in the mids (paricullary voices) at different positions.

I am curious to learn where do Avantgarde usres set the xover cut in the subs. I know this depends on the room size, amps used and even personal taste, at any rate - I am calling those who want to participate in this survey for 15 days and I will personaly post the results at the end of this thread.

Since there are also different Avantgarde versions and subwoofer models (and hoping I am not runing into a big mistake here) I suggest to report the xover setting at clock positions (eg - half way is 12PM).

This apply for all Avantgarde Uno and Duo owners and I will start the data thread - mine is set at 12PM.


My Duo Omegas' SUB225s are set 1/2 click past noon (i.e., just over 140 Hz).

You may find that in practice (with rolloff), that the actual xover point is a bit above the indicated setting.
Snap! I have Duo Omega's with SUB225 - the frequency is set at 140Hz (pos 6 or 12 o'clock).

If the freq is raised then the sound becomes too 'rich' for my taste.

I am using Avantgarde Model 5 and Altmann BYOB amps.
For the UNO, use an indicated setting of 190.

This isn't optional with different rooms...

It's what's needed for the SUB 225 to meet the UNO mid horn at the actual crossover point.

Level may be set to taste, but leave the crossover at around 190.
I too have Duo/225 sub's set at 140HZ. Driving them with an Art Audio PX25.
