New sonus faber Cremona M version


Saw that sonus faber has made a new version of the cremona called the cremona M.

Have enybody heard thise .

Hi joey

I have heard the cremona many of times and you are right there is somthing about that speaker.
It has somkind of magic in it
i ones read somwhere that sonus faber speakers like the amati with the right gear can actually sing.

Well i thourgt it was a bit strange to say but i heard them cremona do the same thing with linn klimax chakra twin amp with unidisk 1.1 fronend hard to describe but easy to hear .

There are different kinds off audiophils , there are those that dont like sonus faber speakers because the are not the best at the hifi things ,and there are those that like sonus fabers because the are not so good at the hifi things. but masterpieces in musical reproduction.

Franco serblin diddent see the speakers as a devices that could bring you as close to the recording as possible wich pretty much is the goal for many hfi audiophils , but as somthing that could recreat the emotion in the music.
Have he did it i dont know but he did and thats why sonus faber are where the are today and why those that like sonus fabers love them.

One thing is for sure i wil not buy the new cremona m unless i have heard it first.

I know that im in love with the sound of the old cremona 3 way and i know that it is a match made in heaven with my soon to arrive klimax solos .
But again if the new cremona still have the maigic and smooth topend it would make sence to get those instead.

Some time ago when i sold on of my lyngdorf audio tda2200 amps i had a long talk to the frather of the guy who bourgt the amp, he had the orginal guanaeri and had the priveledge to listen to the new memento for one month to deside wether to buy it or not.

He liked the old one better and keept it.
Hi Tda2200,

I never said the Klimax Chakra is bright ! The Chakra's were very smooth, without edge. I said they were *lean* sounding -- which to me, means thin, and lacking body. The Nagra SS amp is fuller, with more body.

But you are right...we have different ears. But have you ever heard the Nagra MPA's ? You might like what you hear.

Someone who agrees with me on cables -- now that is surprising.
I agree and DISAGREE with you TDA... :).

I agree that the Cremona does something that is able to better emotionally connect you to the music.

I disagree in that I believe the Cremona is indeed a hifi speaker. It may not be as lean as what is stereotypically "hifi", but to me and my ears, what say that the lean "hifi" sound is actually colored?

The Cremonas are very transparent to the source as its character changes with the upstream variations.

I love these speakers, and I don't even own a pair.

Hi joey

Regarding the kvality of the source with cremonas your are so absolutly right.
if that makes it a hifi spekaker well then it is.

Its very easy to get a muddy topend with those cremonas also with lesser amplifires it can sound much to full dark and slow and grani.

But its not a analytical speakers thats for sure to me it plays music above all.
This actually puts many hfi people off becasue for those people music is only a instrument to test the given systems preformans.

I think that its also a speaker that will be responsiv to every thing in the audio chain and will sound better and better when you move up in kvality of source
and amps .

The new cremona m may have been designed so is better hifi wise but dos it still lest you concentrade on the music i dont no but im dying to find out.
