New sonus faber Cremona M version


Saw that sonus faber has made a new version of the cremona called the cremona M.

Have enybody heard thise .

Hi analog kid

Absolutly i like the auditor very much, it sounds identical to the cremona only the big cremona has the amazing dynamics.

But the both share the same nonefatigueing top and almost wet sounding midrange.
Yes I would say the auditor has the magic but the big cremona are more emotional.

In my search for speakers i heard 4 different speakers from audio physics.

Also there top of the line chronos.

I liked them but wassent blowaway, the smaler ones where the best, dont know why but the side fireing bass just dont sound right to my ears.

The are good speakers better then many but in the end the sounded just to plain.

Thanks tda! Sonus Faber has apparently followed B&W and JmLab/Focal in moving from a warmer sound to a more precise sound.

The Elipsa reviews I've seen haven't mentioned the concerns you have, nor has a review of the Auditor M in HiFi+. The only time I can remember when magazine reviews were less enthusiastic for a newer version of a speaker was the Audio Physic Virgo III - which is more precise than the Virgo II and many people think it lost the magic.

Let us know when you have the org Cremona in your home!

Hi analog kid

Try reading the hificlub review he pretty much says the exact same as i do.

And the elipsa sounds better then the cremona m
Today i receive my cremona ladies and im so happy.

Besides the fact that the are absolutly beatuful, the sound amazing right out of the box.

This puzzels me becaue the are brand new out of the box serial with nr 3800 somting .
Its one of the last pairs ever produces, and i was lucky the disbutiator in germany still had one pair left.

The dont sound bright , dull , slow , dark , or boomy the just sound emotinal and so damm musical.

Nothing like the new one.

Enyway have much run in time do the need before the are fully runned in ?

In the manuel its only stated that the will sound better and better with time just like a acoustic instrument.

But nothing specicaly.

eny pointer would be nice.

original Cremona needs at least 100hrs and getting better after 300hrs. You should play a low frequency loop to burn-in the bass woofers (and the noise will not disturb anyone when you're left).
Congrats for your speakers. Try Yter lspk.