Vandersteen 5a or Eggleston Andra II

This question is for those of you who have listened to the Vandersteen 5a AND the Eggleston Andra II or who purchased one after listening to BOTH.

I am looking at upgrading from the Energy Veritas 2.8 to one of these speakers.

I listen to everything except country. I love the built in 400 watt amps in the 5a, and I love the tweeter in the Andra II.

I have read all the reviews on both of these speakers and would like to hear from you as to why you like one over the other.

Thank you in advance.
Extra consderation...I purchased the andra2 and I am really impressed.I considered the Vandys but I read somewhere that they have very limited space for speaker spades so I scrathed them off my audition list.
Well 4yanx you seem to really going over board and off the deep end, get a grip it's only audio have you had your meds today?

Mothra regarding "different league" depends on the context and how it is used.

In my thread, I gave my experience of listening to two different systems, one being superior over the other.

If you heard a system that was great but then heard another system with the same music listening to both male and female voices and one left you in awe what would you call it?

You listen to a variety of music including all kinds of musical instrumentals including the piano and one system is alright but the other is just more realistic what would you call it?

You then listen to pieces that show off stage presence, pieces included such as Phantom of the Opera, Oliver, My Favorite Year and the stage presence was just so unbelievable scary real what would you call it?

When you put on other music like Tchaikovsky 1812 and when the canon shots go off they startle you like it was the first time you ever heard it. You then put on Dafos and Kodo Drums and it's all so real sounding what would you call it?

Ending the evaluation listening to Fiesta! Dallas Wind Symphony "Prelude and Axtec Dance" and there is just no comparison then what would you call it.

I call it in "another league"

Dunlavy sc-IV's (with upgraded tweeter), B&W 801 series 2 limited editions with north creeks crossovers, spendor sc-100's, quad esl-57's, B&W matrix 805's.

Awesome I am very impressed by your choices. You have some classics. Perhaps one day you will post a few pics....I will be drooling!!!. Youu are in another league from me.

I agree with you that second hand Dunlavy's are great value rather than chasing the latest and greatest.

I agree on your Wilson comments (although I am reticent to criticse the bass response because they are so successful - obviously people like them!) On the Andras ( a bit bass light ) I can understand that you might want a sub with these. (I use a 15" sub with my ATC100s as they roll off in the lowermost octave below 35Hz and it seems you can never have too much clean tight bass power at elevated listening levels -provided it is all critically damped - I dislike mushy boominess in the bass but love it when I can clearly discern a bass guitar riff from behind a close-miked kick drum)

I suspect you may not like ATC as you mentioned Doug Sax has a system you don't understand (or is it his brother's designed tube based EQ setup that you struggle with?). No problem, some people say ATC's make their ears bleed and I have no problem with that as they are quite forward sounding in the mid range and certainly play so loud the music can always be made to eventually sound harsh (at extremes), furthermore, everyone is entitled to their personal preference. Frankly, I could live with your preferences/taste too but then again who is "Shadorne"...I am a complete nobody in audio compared to someone like Bob Ludwig. (Sorry but I respect many of these engineers - even the weird ones!)
Mothra, your "salt" suggestion is right on the beam, and well taken. Funny how those who should be in an asylum are the first to suggest "meds" to others.

Oz, what you have read is correct, at least in some instances. The "slots" for spades on the 5's I had were such that I had to slice just a sliver off the silver spades on my Ridge Street Audio cables (it was easy with those). Other spades will fit fine but, for instance, the Kimber spades on a set I run in a vintage system would NEVER fit. So it is a consideration in that if you have exisitng cables with wide spades, you'd have to get them reterminated (which could be a real issue with some cables). Someone told me that Richard had addressed this in newer models, but not from what I've seen - maybe on the newer Quatros. (?) As a side note, your sytem has come a good long way on a couple of years thee, Oz. ;-0