3 way vs. 2 way

I currently have Mirage M5si bi polar speakers, I believe these have two tweeters and two 6inch drivers. For my room size I want to go to a conventional speaker. I would also like to give a high end store in my area the business as the owner is a friend. He carries Totem and B&W. I notice may of the Totems have only a tweeter and a driver. Can I get as good sound out of smoething like that as compared to a speaker with 3 or 4 in the cabinet?

3 way is necessary for elevated sound levels. It retains balance, clarity and dynamics over a broader range of volumes. It is however much bigger and more imposing and potentially ugly/obtrusive.

A two way is fine for "near" or "mid-field" and it is often the best compromise for the home; good quality at modest volume levels.

Single driver speakers (drivers usually with a whizzer) are used in cars, boomboxes and some high end applications where crossovers become a nuisance as they degrade the signal and absorb too much power(for example a high end tube amp with very low ouput power can still sound great with a single driver speaker).

The choice is yours and all can sound good. Why not try to move up in quality however - rather than switch. Why not give the 802D's an in home audition...this should definitely give both you and your friend something to smile about (they ain't cheap)!
let your friend guide you with the differences....those mirage's are awfully good though.....if they were some esoteric ma/pa brand, audiogon would light up singing their praises.
Thanks to all for the advice. I sit 6 feet away from the speakers and I'm against the rear wall, my room is about 9feet wide. Ceiling is standard 8foot high and speakers are a good distance from side walls ( it's a long narrow room and runs in to a kitchen on the right) and three feet in front of the wall they are on. My rig sits between them on a knee level audio table. It's a dumpy little in law place but I have stayed due to the generosity of my landlady and my place has no common walls with the main house so I can listen any time without disturbing her. The rest of my gear is as follows.

Aragon 8008bb dual mono power amp
Musical Fidelity A3cr dual mono pre amp
Cal Audio Alpha - Delta dac and transport
Ps Audio P-300 Power Plant (has been modded)
And of course the Mirage Speakers which are now approaching 14 years of age. They are bi wired with basic Audioquest cable. I have Ps Audio statement and extreme plus power cords from the dedicated line to the amp and power plant. Signal Cable power cable from the pre and Signal Cable digital power cables from the cal pieces. Interconnects are Signal Analog two's and I have a Signal digital between the Cal Pieces. The cork and rubber "sandwiches, called V-Pads by a fellow Audiogoner who set me up with them, are under all my components. DH Squares as well are under the amp and speakers. Any more input after hearing that would be welcomed. Thanks, Zar
My bias is that less is more in many ways. But in your room and listening distance, a two-way seems like the way you must go; I think you would have a difficult time getting three drivers to integrate with a coherent sound at that distance. What price range are you looking at? I do love the Totems when I have heard them at shows, but I'm under the impression they need quite a bit of power and preferably solid state (I'm not a Totem expert). You might also want to consider the Merlin TSMs, they would work well in you environment, or two-way Harbeths, Spendors, ProAcs, are also good choices. I don't think you would be able to take advantage of large three-way bass in you room. My 2cents.
I prefer a two way speaker...the fewer crossovers, the better. Keep it simple...more is not always better.