I can't stop listening, the magic is back

My system finally jelled. I have the magic that I have dreamed about for years. I have had this magic before only to lose it after moving my speakers, changing an interconnect, or even rolling tubes. The magic stays and then all of a sudden one day you do nothing but it goes missing. What do you do? Try everything to get it back. And then, time to change equipment, and back on the audioholic bandwagon. Until the next fix. I hope this fix lasts forever. Stay away from audio shows and friends w. great systems. Keep your friends away so they don't point out anything wrong.

OK, honestly, I got the magic back and this time it is here to stay. And it all came by getting my speakers back on casters and changing the position slightly. I towed them in. Just a little patience and time.
Congrats, Dgad. Great to hear! It's amazing how the small things can make such a difference, isn't it?
Are they on carpet -- so you can see about where they were if you accidentally move them?
Plato, my speakers are on tile. 400 lbs. To be honest, positioning can mean a lot. They were on spikes on footers. But one thing I noticed is that different equipment can make a major difference in setup parameters and synergy. I also think the missing link is part of it all. You can buy the best of everything but if there is no synergy you really miss the magic.
Congrats! Pour yourself a nice single malt and enjoy.. Plus hide all the audio magazines, and have your a friend lock down your internet router so you can't access audio sites//

Tape that floor and measure!!! Just in case!

Have you put them back on spikes yet? How many spacers are you using 0-1-2? that's what I'm worried about when I drop them off the casters.
