Toe-in for Harbeth M30 in a narrow room?

Although my Monitor 30's present lots of problems in my room from hell (see below), they perform better than most speakers I have had in this all but impossible room. Fore me, the most vexing issue is toe-in.

I am m trying to position my speakers for fairly nearfield listening. They are 64" apart and I sit 64" away.. For the most part, the side walls on my L shaped living room are very reflective, although I have a few bookcases and wall hangings to ammediorate the hardness of the plaster/concrete/cinderblock construction.

Pointing the speakers at the listener, yields a very intense and focused sound and a very compressed soundstage-almost like looking through a fish-eye lens, However, there is good tonal accuracy, for the most part. The sound can get a bit over the top and fatigueing at 75-85 db. I sometimes have to lower the volume. While center-fill is excellent, some images just hang around the speakers.

Pointing them straight ahead, gives a wall to wall rectangular sound stage, with slightly diffuse images-although relaxed and easy to live with and non-fatiguing. loss in transparency and tonal accuracy, but not significant.

Surprisingly, an intermediate level of toe in, seems to combine the worst aspects of each approach. Midrange becomes hard and compressed.

Trying to get them further apart and therefore closer to the bookcases/sidewalls makes them sound worse still-very recessed, thin and vague.

The nearfield placement, as described above seems to work best, but I am bafled about the toe-in.

Under these circumstances, if you had to chose between pointing the speakers at the listener and no toe-in, what would you chose?

Thanks so much,

Thanks guys. Keep your suggestions coming!


It was great to hear iof similar experiences. I am beginning to re-try a modest amount of toe-in, as per Alan Shaw's s suggestion (about 5-7 degrees actually.

Eweedhome, I would like to sit further back, but my living room does not allow it. There is a separate sitting area behind the back of the couch (my room is semi open-plan), so I can't get the couch much further back.

Theoretically, I could move the speakers closer to the wall behind them, but my room's concrete and cinderblock construction (plaster over cinderblock), hold on to bass like a sponge. Getting any speakers significantly clser to the wall behind them, yields distracting undefined bass..

Very modest toe-in does yield some promise, but reduces soundstage width. So many trade-offs.

Thanks again,

Jay - You're right, there are trade-offs, as with all audio gear, I guess. I've been listening this evening as we've been grilling and eating, and I'm reminded that the Harbeths do seem very oriented toward having a "sweet spot"--if I'm in the right place, they sound really good, but if I'm wandering around, the tonal balance gets kind of lost, especially the low end. The Vandersteens sounded really great--when I was one room away--and I kind of miss that. And the Harbeths don't have the detail in the highs, although I can goose that out of them somewhat if I use a transister amp...but it's the age-old problem (okay, maybe the one-generation old problem) of lots of treble detail exposing all the faults in so much of the source material that I want to hear.

For whatever reason, in my room, the sweet spot is very specific, to where I can move my head a couple of inches, and get a different perspective. I don't know if this helps much, but it was over 5 or 6 weeks of occasional tweaking that I found the right positioning. Small shifts matter (at least in my room)...and a slight toe-in--but not too much--really matters. For example, my listening position is about a foot off-center, just because of the way the room is laid out, and I had to break my visual tendency for order by toeing in the left speaker more than the right speaker before I got the image to center just right. But once I did that, my ears got happy.

I'll add, too, that I noticed (as apparently you did), that volume level is pretty important...and that backing off the volume a notch can make a surprising difference in how much I enjoy the sound--as can bumping it up a notch, too, depending.

The buzz about the Harbeths makes it seem like they're not very particular, but if you're using them for "audiophile" purposes, that just doesn't seem to be the case, in my experience. For what it's worth, here's what I'm using with them: A Linn CD12 or GNSC modded Wadia 860, a GNSC modded ARC LS15, and an ARC VT100 MKIII, all wired together with Cardas Cross cable. Without the mods, the Wadia and the LS15 would be too analytical and trebly (for my taste).

This discussion may be too detailed for everybody else, but feel free to email if you want to bounce around more ideas.
Robert Greene, technical director of TAS uses 40's but I don't know how big his room is. A customer of mine uses Spendor 1.2's, a speaker closer in size to yours and he, also, listens in a narrow room altho one side is semi open. I made some thick wool felt fascias with a 2.5" cutout to surround his tweeters that extend out to the width of his cabinets to damp waveform reflection from his baffles. He reported back that it improved focus and image wander and removed some tizziness from his tweeters. He said that he no longer thought he needed to treat the closed side wall of his room and that he could listen comfortably at higher volume. Sounds like a recipe for you to me. Contact me if you like at
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