Radio Shack MINIMUS 7 crossover upgrade

I understand there were articles talking about upgrading the crossover of these bookshelf speakers.
Where can i get more information about this discussion and how to do it?
The original kits were sold by a long-defunct outfit called Soundaids (separate kits for minimum 7 and the larger Minimus 77) Lngbruno has all the basics right. This is really worth doing -- especially for the 77, which produced an amazing amount of tuneful bass for a speaker this size. Good luck, Dave
I played with my Minimus 7's until I got into the Lineaum line (spelling). Much better speakers to upgrade.

However, check out the forums at Lots of stuff there.
I did the Soundaids mod to my Mimimus 77's way back then and can highly recommend these procedures! Hint: Do the woofer doping a little at a time until you get the right balance of extension vs. articulation.