Looking for the next best thing? Underground welco

I would like to know if anyone can recommend any loudspeakers that are so called off the beaten path. I am very aware of the Zu and Gallo and B&W and JmLab and Vons and Ushers and Hyperion etc, and would like to know if you could recommend the next best thing in technology advancement that most people have not written so much about. Its obvious that the flavor of the month club is always writing about the current best thing. I am looking for interesting new technology that is not so written about and your underground types that may be the next greatest. Thanks>> Bill
Zu Definition Mk2's are being released Aug. 15th
Closest thing new being released I can seem to find
Thanks so much and please kkep your thoughts coming. I had the Totem Hawks and they were truily outstanding. I was just curious in that I have just purchased Mark and Daniels Rubys, and they are not main stream and they have brand new technology as well. Anybody know about the SP technology line? Wave? They are offering a new mini version of the Timepiece that is reasonable and has the new technology?

Danish 'System Audio' makes excellent speakers! In particular, the Explorer and SA2k models are worth a listen.

You might visit Selah Audio and see what they are cooking up.I believe that they are within driving distance???
Here is one I keep babbling about--Daedalus Audio. I've been using the DA-1's for the past year and a half and continue to feel they are something very, very special. Lou is about finished with a new "audiophile" line with pinpoint imaging that will include a large stand mounted monitor and a flagship floorstander called the Ulysses. I understand in talking with Lou that there are numerous refinements in the new models that will also be applied to the existing "whole house"/HT line consisting of the DA-1 and DA-2. Personally, the thought of an improved floorstander with more focused imaging has me batty waiting for my pair to be built. Not sure if Lou's designs qualify as "next best thing" technologically but he does approach the design and build process in a unique fashion with extraordinary results.