What speaker cables to buy

Have a set of Aerial 7-B's, Driving them now with MIT T2 cables in bi-wire
with Acurus A250 Amp?

What cables should I try now that will not break the bank?

Thanks for your help!
It is a pleasure to hear all this excellent suggestions!

Thanks for your ideas----------

Replacing my Amp/Preamp 1st then the cables if need be!

Love more feedback!

How about just getting 12 or 10 gage from home depot and spend that money elsewhere. Give this article a read.


Let the rock throwing commence!
You can check out my system.... I use BetterCables. I tried really really expensive ones and never heard a difference between them and cheaper, well-constructed cables. Personally, I would be really careful about wasting money on cables unless you are 100% certain you hear a stark difference while blindfolded.

I hope you don't make the same mistake I did initially and buy stuff you don't really need. You could easily put that money into better investments, such as actual playback equipment, or best yet, higher-end speakers.