Importance of recapping a SS amp?

I have an Odyssey Stratos power amp that I purchased new in 2000. It has been suggested that it should be recapped just because of its age. I've not detected any sonic decline. Is this considered standard practice with a solid state amp of this age? When I've googled it, most of hits concern vintage tube amps.

Thanks for any advice.

Thanks again for all of the responses. The amp has been used fairly regularly over the year so unless some sonic issues arise, I will likely sit tight for now.
Caps are more prone to failure and need of replacement if the are forced to sit for long periods of time (years) without use, that is the most redicoulas statement of all time!, the more you use and drive hard the amp, the sooner you have to replace caps!
Audiolabyrinth, from the user's perspective could be anything, from the one who fixes electronics, it's a-bit different and not so redicoulas or redukolois at all.
On one of the Kenwood receivers I was always loosing one or 2 caps once put back PCB together after fix. It turned out that all of them needed replacement after sitting and not using.
All amps age differently depending on design and use. The deterioration is slow and gradual. Maybe your thoughts were started by hearing some subtle differences. Again, Odyssey can best advise you what to do.