Help with Preamp selection

Hello Everyone, I am building a new system and I am having a hard time with selecting a preamp to be paired with my Pass Labs XA-30.5 Class A amp. I am no audio engineer and to be honest I really don't know what to make of all the specifications. I have read where the Pass amp like low input gain from a pre-amp but other than that I am unsure what else to look for. I definitely want a pre-amp with balanced inputs and outputs so I can experience everything the balanced PASS labs has to offer. I am leaning towards solid state vs tubes only because their seems to be more balanced offerings and less maintenance.

My budget is $1000-$2000 for a used or new unit. Here are some of the choices I have been mulling over:
1. Wyred 4 Sound STP SE
2. Lower end Ayre Unit (This is $3500 new but have seen as low as $2K on used market
3. Parasound JC-2 (out of my range even used)
4. Cary Audio SL-100 (New)
5. Audio Research (So many units to choose from would be interested if they are in price range)
6. Jolida Fusion

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Lastly - any recommendations on budget speaker cable and interconnects? I am looking for well made but at a reasonable price. Budget for 10' speaker cables $200-$250 and XLR connectors $100-$150.

Thanks in advance for your responses.
Given your budget, I would go with the Wyred 4 Sound, because it has a passive mode. If you had a higher budget, then maybe go with something else that's active.
I would second the W4S STP SE at this point in time as I am on a similar journey.

I run an W4S ST1000 amp and have tried in home auditions of an ARC LS26 and Rogue Magnum 99 with it and feel that the W4S STP SE is better than those two. I think that it has a lower noise floor.

One thing that I thought was telling is that I have tried Classe CAM 200 monoblocks with the STP SE and I could hear the difference compared to the W4S amp. The Classe monoblocks have a very low noise floor. My point is that the W4S preamp allowed this to come through and be heard.
Would be helpful to know what aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you, what preamp you're replacing, and what you're looking to improve.

You should shoot for a minimum of a ratio of 10:1 between the input impedance of your amp and the output impedance of the preamp, and preferably higher.

Last thought -- given the price level of your components you might be under spending on the cables and interconnects. Would be a shame to possibly compromise the performance of all your $$$ electronics with cheap wires. Personally I'd go to the level of something like Acoustic Zen Satori cables and Silver Reference interconnects, used of course. Lots of other good options out there too.

All that said, there is a Pass Labs X1 preamp for sale here now that's in your price range and might be worth a look. Best of luck.
"Last thought -- given the price level of your components you might be under spending on the cables and interconnects. Would be a shame to possibly compromise the performance of all your $$$ electronics with cheap wires."

And yet, Nelson Pass himself does not recommend expensive cabling. maybe he knows a thing or two that most audiophiles don't??
Grace Design M920. Excellent headphone amp on board. Excellent DAC on board. Remote available. Full complement of digital inputs and two analog inputs, one balanced and one RCA. NO PHONO input. Can be purchased on line through pro audio sources. Priced way below any competition you can find.