B&W 805D

Well I have it from a reliable source that it is in the works.

Can't wait to hear it.

What are your thoughts good and bad.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xartizen65
Ok I talked with the B&W rep at RMAF and he did verify that the signature diamond and the 805D were different speakers. We will not hear the 805D untill spring middle of next year.
I am not a lover of B&W speakers, so I will say In a word 'bad'.

I didn't like the new B&W's at the Denver show although I did give them a listen, to be fair there was a lot of people In the room, about 2 (only kidding), talking etc so my quick listen was quick, I still can't get on with B&W.
I'm wondering if the 805D will still be a monitor or
will they follow the trickle down technology of the
Signature Diamond and make it a small floor stander?

I guess we will find out soon enough. Keep the rumors

What day did you listen to the signature diamonds. On friday they S&*%$d. They air fraighted in a brand new pair of speakers for the show. I listened to them on friday first thing. They only had 12 hours on them. They were shrill with bloated bass and flat mids. This was not a smart move on B&W's part. I listened again on sunday and they were a much better sounding speaker. I would like to listen again after they have about 500 hours on them.