Isophon Cassiano or what?

I have recently sold my Sonus Faber Guarneri homage, because i wanted to try something new. I have come across the Isophon Cassiano speaker, and can only find really good things written about them . One person meant that it beat the Avalon opus ceramiqe compared in his livingroom.
did anyone of you listened to these and what was your impression.maybe on its bigger brother the Isophon Arabba
Are they really that great?
yes..of the three, the guarneri homage would be the best all rounder for all types of music.
Arabba with Diamond tweeter cost 33K Euro in EU and $50K in USA. It is in completely different class from any Sonus Faber speaker, save Stradivari. But, big room and amp are a must...
Cassiano Diamond is excellent speaker as well but, I would personally choose new Avalon Indra over it.

There are other excellent candidates in Cassiano price range like new Gryphon Atlantis or Escalante Fremont to give you just few examples...

BTW, old Guarneri Homage is not all rounder at all IMHO...

Just one last thing-all speakers mentioned above are floorstanders(some even big floorstanders). Arabba, Atlantis and Fremont demand room bigger then 30m2. Cassiano and Indra at least 24m2. Keep that in mind as well...
Thank you very much for your replies.
I agree with you Branimir in your aspects of the Guarneri not being allrounder... but I think it is rather good in some areas

The Fremont dosent appeal to me with the way it looks, Gryphon Atlantis looks great,and it shold be easy to get to listen to here in Denmark....

But Why choose the new Avalon Indra over the Cassiano. What does it do better
maybe i should add the pricedifference in Denmark
Isophon Cassiano 22k dollar

Avalon Indra 35k dollar

are the Avalons worth this pricedifference