Crossover-less Speakers

I'd like to hear from those of you who transitioned to crossover-less speakers. I have a pair of Thiel CS 2 2s. I like 'em but I'm curious about the full-range crossover-less speaker types. I'd like to know what speaker you have and what speaker you traded up from. Are you getting the full range from your spkrs? Are you experiencing any peaks and valleys in the frequency response? Are you happy with the lows or are you augmenting with a powered sub? Thanks.
Macrojack, with all due respect and IMHO, at first you were mildly out of line, now that your insulting another respected Audiogoner looking out for the rest of us, your really out of line.
Okay I will admit that I have Zu affiliated in my house!! I have owned their products for the last couple years.

Ha, yeah well who knows.. Believe it or not I am starting to see that it is very well exposed Zu is getting extremely successful, and it is starting to not make too much sense to many dealers and audio advocates as of late..

Huge backlash, this is very similar to how Odyssey audio especially with the Stratos Amp was treated a few years back, they are taking money from the bigger competition or direct competition now its like stopping a freight train..

Unfortunately this gets directly tagged to the product being not capable of holding its own, to bad, many miss opportunities. Oh well, just remember where and how to get the best value and sound you know how to whoever you are and we will all be okay.

By the way what I love about the Zu backlash is that nobody Can match the facts they put their product out there with a 60 day NO problem audition, this is still too hard to choke down they have such confidence, and realistically was the only reason I gave them a shot all hype, all B.S online quibbles aside, and they proved themselves, not the customers on this forum.

And by the way as to the argument of whether the above member Macrojack could benefit, I understand that this is a sticky situation, but don't hold it against Zu they don't police what some of their customers seem to throw out in public forums, they are busy making real products for people who care. This is a very rare case for sure... And somebody giving a suggestion due to the original thread is asking EXACTLY about a product we are speaking still validates an opinion dealer or not.
Undertow, I'm not backlashing at Zu. Please re-read my posts above. And it probably looks like I'm persecuting Macrojack, but most of my loudness is really just trying to make a point.

I DO NOT think this is what happened: Fifteen months ago Macrojack smiles his wicked smile and laughs his wicked laugh, expecting to become rich (rich, I tell you!) as a clandestine Zu dealer.

It was more like this: Macrojack believes heart and soul and ears in Zu, and would gladly let anyone come by and listen to his speakers for free. Zu offers to pay him a nominal commission if that situation should arise and the customer buys a pair, as that way they feel better about calling him up and asking him to accomodate a prospective customer's needs (perhaps even bringing the speakers over to the customer's house for an in-home demo). Zu has probably found that a compensated volunteer with a job title is more reliable and does a more professional job than one who's just doing them a favor. Anyway Macrojack agrees to the arrangement. In his mind, he is still simply an experienced, loyal, dedicated, true-blue Zu fan who has agreed to help out should the occasion arise - none of that has changed, so he sees no need for any disclaimers or change in the way he posts in support of Zu.

From my point of view as a dealer, Macrojack is now sort of a competitor. He has signed on to a team, and has agreed to perform the services I would perform as a dealer, in exchange for a compensation comparable to what I might expect were I a non-stocking dealer that had no risk money involved.

From the point of view of an Audiogon reader, Macrojack isn't really a dealer but the affiliation means that there's a possible cause for bias that might be a consideration.

So let's go back and re-read Macrojack's original post in this thread now that we all know of his affiliaton:

"Zu has all this figured out. Contact them and find your answer. I owned Goldmund, Avalon, NHT, Magnepan, DIY, Vandersteen, Aerial, Spendor, Sound Labs, QUAD, JBL, and many others over the years. Zu has it all figured out."

Knowing about his affiliation changes how we react to his post a little bit, doesn't it? He might have worded some parts differently if he'd been including a disclaimer, but he could have still conveyed the same basic information (his preference for Zu and the product's meeting the original poster's requirements).

Erring on the side of disclosure is almost always a good thing... I say "almost" because I was stalked and threatened for several months by an Audiogoner for doing just that - so you can't please everyone.

All I ask of Macrojack is that he let people know he's a Zu listening post when he comments on Zu, and that he follows the rules of etiquette that industry members do (or should) when it comes to commenting on competitors.

Macrojack, that might even work in Zu's favor and in your favor for a variety of reasons. Think of yourself as a part-time professional. You have the experience and the expertise already.

Duke, I understand.. I did not disagree, just stating the unfortunate side effects that seem to hurt the original fact this thread was of " Crossoverless" speaker designs, and seems that always some specific manufacture is mentioned and gets thrown under the bus, and there is no supporting evidence of one posters motive or not.

Everybody assumes, and thats dangerous, and if it truly is that much of a concern than somebody needs to contact the manufacture themselves, such as audiogon if they feel it needs to be a rectified situation...

Again this is a pretty dilluted and truly a grey area of the accusations being made, I can sit here and say all day I don't mind somebody coming and taking a look at my Sony new H-D Panel, and ultimately help sony out, but guess what they will still have to go to Sony to do the deal.. By the way that sold a few T.Vs for Best buy, I can tell you for real I have done such a thing.

Now because Zu might offer him a free pair of cables or something after finding out and making a sale for letting somebody come to his home to audition their product is really not in my mind a very serious violation of Dealer/owner/audiogon member confidence agreement..Again I doubt he cares about any gain from Zu in this case, and seems he has none at this point.

I think a mountain was made out of a molehill, and in the end just hurts the product and did not just push the intention of slapping a member on the wrist.

On another site Macrojack's every post was accompanied by the tagline "I am a dealer for Grado and Zu". As far as I knew, he really was an active dealer for Grado and Zu, so it didn't start out looking like a molehill to me. And far as I know he still might well be an active dealer for Grado - that would make him a "dealer", wouldn't it? Dealers are supposed to follow the etiquette.

Now that we know he hasn't really done any business as "a dealer for Zu" , it looks more like a molehill - but it's still not the same as you inviting me over to see your new Sony widescreen. Macrojack has an affiliation by mutual agreement with Zu that involves the prospect of compensation, and you have none such with Sony or Best Buy. You can change allegiance without dissolving a relationship and backing out of an agreement.
