Crossover-less Speakers

I'd like to hear from those of you who transitioned to crossover-less speakers. I have a pair of Thiel CS 2 2s. I like 'em but I'm curious about the full-range crossover-less speaker types. I'd like to know what speaker you have and what speaker you traded up from. Are you getting the full range from your spkrs? Are you experiencing any peaks and valleys in the frequency response? Are you happy with the lows or are you augmenting with a powered sub? Thanks.
Eldartford, it would be easier if you had the series II 901s, which were essentially an acoustic suspension design with the rolloff set at about 6db/octave starting at around 200Hz. The boost at 30Hz was about 20dB! I was driving those with a HK Citation 16 in circa 1976. pipe organ recordings drove the HK to 200watts easily and the speakers responded nicely!
The low frequency curve on the newer 901s is more complicated since the design is now a complicated vented design. there is also some high frequency compensation.
in my opinion, the zu speakers are imbalanced, i.e., bright.

if you like headaches, listen to the zu speakers for a while.

as to quads, the current generation is more inaccurate timbrally than the original esl.

again, it is a matter of taste, but zu cable and speakers are bright.

i have auditioned the cable in myn own system, but not the speakers.

i don't like to suffer. for those who do, buy the zu speakers.
Inpepinnovations...Yes..the small sealed box aspect of the original Bose 901 was an important element of the design. Most speaker designers try to get the resonant frequency of their driver/box down as low as possible. Prof. Bose noted that if you push the resonant frequency the other way, up, (and 200 Hz sounds familiar) the roll-off below resonance, although steep, is very smooth and can be effectively corrected by electronics.

The resulting requirement for a high power amp was the downfall of this design. I assume that the present-day 901
which is vented also has a high resonant frequency, although, as you say, this is more complicated than a simple "too small" sealed box.
" don't like to suffer. for those who do, buy the zu speakers."

You are right, I noticed your always even trying to tame your system further with your inquiries on this forum alone, seems you will never find your holy grail.

Always blaming CD players, Tube types etcÂ… Look at your track record seriously posting, so now you think that its also due to the speaker or specific cables? I mean you basically disagree with everything on any product here and say they are bright. So your credibility on this issue I am sorry but does not count anymore, because its actually a very solvable problem, you just don't seem to have the understanding to do it.

It seems you will never get the Zero High frequency sound you desire. Or you would not keep posting asking for super warm slow as molasses components, which tells me your still not all that happy with even the ESLs supposed perfect performance.

I am serious in this suggestion, No offense, try a good clock radio, because unfortunatley seeing your posting history you lose a lot of credibility to your statements as basically every single product even ones you finally purchase are too "Bright" and your always still searching...

Also rooms are horrible to just about every speaker I encounter, all can be bright, but no not all Dissapate with less directionality to help cover that up better like some panels no doubt. But it can be done.

Good luck
For anyone who hasn't read Aktchi's comment above, please scroll up and read it. It's one of the best posts on the site. Off-topic, but important.
