Well, it was worth the effort. The Kipods are dialed in and are now the speakers in residence, having displaced my venerable W/P8s.
The Kipods are more linear, image better and are more articulate. There is a clarity of voice and presence that rivals stats. Add the powerfully lithe bass and you have a dynamic cohesiveness that is closest to the "holy grail" of transducers as I've heard.
They are easy to drive but they do like power.
The 500 watts of SS power I have on tap makes them sing, but I intend to try 450 watts of VTL magic just in case.
Make no mistake, despite their precision these speakers are toe-tappers.
The Kipods are more linear, image better and are more articulate. There is a clarity of voice and presence that rivals stats. Add the powerfully lithe bass and you have a dynamic cohesiveness that is closest to the "holy grail" of transducers as I've heard.
They are easy to drive but they do like power.
The 500 watts of SS power I have on tap makes them sing, but I intend to try 450 watts of VTL magic just in case.
Make no mistake, despite their precision these speakers are toe-tappers.