Giant subwoofer

I remember seeing a few years ago on the internet someone who designed their house foundation to be a giant subwoofer. I am trying to find this site again to show some friends the options of taking audio to extremes, (yes, happy extremes). Any other ideas would also be appreciated. Thanks, David.
Thanks, I also found this a little extreme but can appreciate the passion to eck out that last little bit of a bass note. Scroll down to see the instalation of a horn driven woofer.
A foundation/sub woofer, seems quite normal to me. One could tell the missus that Its either an air raid shelter In these troubled times or could be used as a spare bedroom, remembering of course not to turn It up too loud when In use!.
This is not a living room or "normal" listening room any longer! This is more like a mastering/monitoring studio!

What do you put in the listing once you want to sell your sub-sub-woofered house?
Wine cellar included. I would imagine that the Thigpen rotary woofer would equal it up to at least 20 Hz. It too might be difficult to disengage from ones house.