Is Quad ESL57 most amazing speaker of all time?

Just had to try one of these as i had heard so much about it. Enjoyed a lot of old Quad stuff so thought must be good. Recently in my room passed the following speakers, Spendor BC1 spendor SP1, Harbeth 30 and 40's. Reynaud offrandes, audio physic avanti, Audio note ANE spx, Avantagrde duo's(modified subwoofers), tANNOY GOLD DUAL CONCENTRICS, ETC ETC ETC.

Within minutes i heard more from a recording than i ever had with any other speaker I have knowm. The realism and detail due to the fast transients are absolutely astonishing. Ok will not go loud bass a little monochrome, but how could you live without that midrange?? It is that good. I was using jadis JPL pre and a good old cheap Quad 606. I didnot even have the chance to drag out the megabucks Audio Note signature 300b mono's before I blew the treble on one unit. Apparently very common. Only the Audio Note speaker approaches the Quad for sound quality although the audio note gets the emotional aspects spot on, the Quad as good as it is in communicating the emotion is just so scarily intimately accurate. Accurate to the point that it is unrealistic. By that I mean that you are so intimate with the musician or vocalist its as if you got up on the stage and sat beside them to hear details you never would if you were in the audience.

Is there any body else out there who can see where i am coming from??? Or is this just a one night stand??
Try stacking a pair.Everything you like plus more "air" being moved so you feel as if there is more bass.
A hard speaker to forget once the honeymoon is over and you look for a speaker with other virtues and move on.
One of the systems I should have kept(paired with AtmaSphere MP3 and S30).I think everyone should have a pair at least once.My advice,when they start to loose the wow factor, don't sell them, just put them away,you'll regret the loss.
one more thing....i agree with mr tennis....the audio note speakers are not even in the same snell even
Jaybo, if you have ever heard the AudioNotes set up by Peter at CES, you would not say this. I tried them myself and could not duplicate what I heard at CES, but this is either me or my electronics, not the speakers.
Is Quad ESL57 most amazing speaker of all time?

Since this question appears rhetorical perhaps it seeks a circular answer?

How about this;

The most amazing speaker of all time is one that you keep and use as your main speaker in your system for all time.

So prove it by not making this another ETC ETC ETC in your long list of failed attempts at finding a great speaker.