sonus faber..Grand Piano Domus vs Cremona Auditor

Anyone listened to both these speakers? Im selling my Linn C4200s amps and getting a Linn Klimax Chakra Twin. Im looking for pluses and minuses for both..especially with my setup. thx
well all that said i would be of the thougt that thers no real reason to think i could add any more real tangibull bull if i had said it myself. in closeing stfu or ill turn off the internet
Tuff one

But i would chose the cremona auditor , its sound much more refinet and dynamic.

I have heard the klimax twin with the auditor , well its not thick dark sound its very neutral .
The klimax gear is very senctiv to upstream gear, enything under the klimax kontrol class ads leannes to the sound.

I have the solos and the do not sound lean at all, the sound amazing.