Speaker Recomendations $3000

Have a Hafler 200 dual channel system and looking to upgrade my speakers and want to spend not more then $3000. Would prefer floor standing with small foot print. The room is an L shaped living room 11X14 with a 10X10 alcove. Must sit close to the speakers for careful listening & want to fill the room with easy sound when entertaining. Prefer a warm easy sound with air & good detail. Listen generally to contemporary jazz, classic rock & blues, lots of guitar & percusion some piano & B3 organ. I have looked at the S5E and I like them. What else would you suggest. thx
Im looking for speakers in the same range of 3 to 6k tops. I went to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest and heard several speakers i really liked. The few that comes to mind in this price range is ACI, Acoustic Zens Adagio, Tri Tech, AV123. Not sure how they will match to your Hafler gear but worth a listen.
Paul (pjl2122),
As a Gershman dealer disclosure is absolutely necessary here.

Your recommendation without it is highly unprofessional.
Hello As we speak I have not had the pleasure of having the Sonograms in my home ,I have demoed them and heard them at the SHows ,I absolutely will own them ,and I open the invitation to all in New England -Massachusetts area to come have a visit .I AM not a store My home is my listening room and I donot stock equipment,I do build systems privately though Systems synergy , just to clear the air thankyou.
I have an email from the owner of Gershman speakers saying you are a dealer. It details your company name, your name, phone number etc.

If anybody would like a copy of this email, please contact me; it is from Ofra Gershaman herself.

You also operate a business in the UK and market Acoustic Zen and Stealth products both there and here in the UK. Your feedback is full of AZ customers.

Call yourself anything you wish but with 2 companies, one called HiFidelity Audio and the other High Fideltiy Audio and a website for each, you are a dealer.
After looking around I decided to buy the Kudos C2. They are a very straight forward design I am very happy with them. They have great detail, good imaging and excellent sound stage. They really fit with my space requirements. They sit pretty close to the back wall and have excellent base response because they are floor ported. I have listened to over 30 hours in a few days. Thanks for all your suggestions I really learned about speakers as a result. Now I have to figure out the cable. currently using lam wire & still sounding great. Waiting until they break in a little longer.