Rega R3 or Paradigm Studio 20 V.3 with Rega Brio 3

I currently have a Rega Brio 3 integrated amp and I love it. It is paired with a Rotel 940-AX tuner and vintage Mordaunt-Short Festival Series 2 speakers. I bought the Mordaunt-Short speakers because they are all I could afford to keep the system under $1000, but I am not sure if they are limiting my system. The dealership I bought the system from deals in new and used audiophile components and they swear that the Mordaunt-Shorts blow anything else away they know of selling for under $800-900. The speakers do sound great, but they were made in the early '80's. I am considering buying either nOrh 5.1's, the new B&W 600-series bookshelves, or most likely, either the REGA R3's (synergy) or the Paradigm Studio 20 V.3. Does anyone have any input on
this? I appreciate it.
I think the Rega's are going to be a bit laid-back,(Depending on what music you listen to.) The Paradigms are going to give you a bit more bottom end.I would not use speakers that are 20 years old in my main system. They may sound pretty good,I think you will find any decent modern speaker will be a step up.
The Rega R3's would make for a great match. I am using the Rega Ara (now the R1) in two of my systems and the Aras are both musical and detailed and work well with solid state or tubes. .

If you have a few more dollars to spare, Upscale Audio has a great deal on Opera Platea . $2000 speakers for $1200. A very musical floorstander that I use in a system that has a Rega Apollo in it.

Regards, Rich
i would put the brakes on for now and keep the mordaunt shorts for best the others will be a side move...and since i don't know the model..maybe backwards.....
Hello again,

Thanks for the great input.

To throw something else into the mix, I am considering the speaker upgrade, or going with something like a new CD player in the $800-900 range, most likely the Rega Apollo if I can muster the money. So, it will be either newer speakers OR a new CD player. I guess it kind of depends on the philosophy one prescribes to - source is most important or the speakers are the most important. I am a little up in the air, but I am leaning towards the new CD and keeping the Mordaunt-Short oldy but goodies.

Advice please!

Thanks again.
So, a different approach to your question, given some reflection.

When I most notice changes, it is usually when I move up to a different level of equipment. So, if you are using a level 5 player and move up to a level 2 player, yes, you will hear a difference and yes, you will most likely appreciate the difference.

What are you using now as a CD Player? With the equipment that you have now, you could introduce a Music Hall MMF 25.2 CD player for about half the price of the Apollo and get similar sonic benefits and have a player that you can continue to use as you upgrade.

If you like the MS speakers, then keep them. In my experience with vintage equipment, most vintage speakers sound best with vintage equipment ... and granted that's not true in all cases. But it's not like we are talking TOTL Mac amps or Quad speakers here.

At the end of the day, you seem to have a nice system that is better than most of the stuff that you see out there. Enjoy it and don't get too hung up on theoretical "limiting my system" questions. Save your cash and make strategic upgrades (moving up in levels).

Regards, Rich