Sonus Faber Elipsa

With room limitation at the RMAF taken into consideration, Sonus Faber Elipsa already sounds quite intricate to me, with the wide sound stage. I like what I heard. Yet with that kind of a room, I just couldn't evaluate if this speaker has enough speed, aire, crisp and punch when the music calls for. Does anybody have comment?
Unless you are strictly into rock, acid rock or rap - They should do all you want & more!
They do have the speed, bass, soundstage & dynamics to produce real music @ moderate to high listening levels.
If you are into classical, jazz & vocals - You will have it all in one hell of a sweet l@@king package.
Just make sure that the rest of your equipment is up to par as they are unforgiving & will root out any/all shortcoming's in your ststem.
75 wpc of either EL 45's 0r 300 B's will bring out the best & sweetest sound you have ever heard - I prefer the latter.
Paladin, isn't the new Elispa similar to the Amati? Although the Amati has (I believe) 2 woofers and the Elispa has one?

RWD (Rick)
Rick, I guess you mean to compare the elipsa with the stradivarius, which also have the eliptical cabinet.
Anyone out there who have heard both an would like to give some notes as to how they compare?

Torres -