Modified DCM TFE200's......World Reference Now

I can't believe how much better these speakers sound after I cut out the whole side walls of the midrange chamber...its a night and day difference! All my friends are amazed too.....
I can't wait for the all new BOSE 901's to come out....the older 901's matched up very close to one of the best sounding speakers ever made....the vintage JBL L150A's...
Would you care to tell us what the rest of your reference system is composed of? And what fraternity you are a member of?
Sherod...I'm not a member of any fraternity. I'm using very low level gear with these DCM's......Modified Marantz pm7001 integrated amp and matching Modified Marantz CD player cd7001 and cables, I'm using Synergistic Research Alpha Quad active (X2)