Zu Druids low powered tube amp or high powered SS?

I just got a pair of Zu Druids, I am using a pair of Dared 300b SET tube amps, The sound is good but not great. Any recommendations for other amps?

I have a Proceed AMP2 150WPC
and a Carver 1.5T 1000 WPC high current amp
I've owned the Druids and the ZU Mini Method sub. I would recommend a fairly high powered SET amp (yes I know thats an oxy-moron) I used 10 watts for a while but when I went to a 25 watt SET amp based on the 845 tube the soundstage really opened up and the speakers were much more dynamic. With that said, however, you will need a sub to get realistic dynamics regardless of the amp you use.

2nd Sbayne re: a higher powered SET. Having heard the Druids with Almarro 318B for quite a few extended auditions, the two sounded marvelous together. Great detail and clarity, realistic soundstaging, not overly warm and a sense of power that belies the 18W / channel rating.


PS - Also agree with Audiofeil about 300B's and exploring other brands. IMO, they're a natural match for the Druid.
I tried the carver, Proceed and finally the Tad-60 Biased in Class A up to 10 WPC and the Tad definitely has opened up and added a lot of information. This seems to be the best fit with the Amps I have.

Thanks to all!!