AES Cary Sixpacs and Silverline Audio Sonata III

I'm a proud owner of AES Sixpacs and I'm looking now for a speaker upgrade - right now I'm using Triangle Celius 202. I did a lot of research here and read good things about Silverline speakers and (Cary) tube amplifiers.
I'd like to know if anyone has tried the combination Sixpacs plus Silverline?
I'm listening to all sorts of music, including classic, jazz, rock and sometimes I like to turn the volume up!
Thanks for any advice
Lissnr, my room is about 6.5m to 4.5m, but it's a living room and not a dedicated listening room. So the speakers are placed in the first third of the longer side and the listening position is about 3m away from the speakers.

Hope this makes sense,
Your room is not to big and your speakers are quite effecient. (Silverline Sonata). 50 watts means very little as who knows how much drive one 50 watt amp has vs another 50 watt amp. I have a 45 watt Canary 300b push/pull amp that plays every bit as loud and dynamic as my previous 250 watt SS amp. I think it sounds more dynamic, larger scale and huge!!!!

I have also heard other 50 watt amps that lack juice and drive. I don't know your amps so I can't say for sure. My speakers are 90 db effecient and 4 ohm. They are in a larger room then yours, yet my 45 watts is plenty. Yes, I to love loud music at times.

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I guess loud is pretty subjective. I play music at 85 - 90db when I consider it loud. This is the average weighting (c) on my rat shack sound level meter.

Interesting what loud is to one vs another.
