You are not alone Jkalman, my experience tells me different as well; comments such as those by Dhaan do not phase me.
I think what happens is, people get an idea in their heads from other people or graphs and convince themselves they are hearing things that are not in all probability audible. Sadly, it is pervasive in this hobby... :(
Thanks for the support. I'll be back when I get a chance to hear the Salon2, though to be honest, unless I can put them in my room or unless the dealer's room is an adequate setup, I am loath to come to any overwhelming conclusions. I'll still be willing to give my impressions with any inherent disclaimers.
I'm still trying to find an environment where the Magico Minis have been set up well in my area. The Salon2 and the Magico Mini... Two speakers I would love to hear properly.