Revel Salon 2 versus WP 8

Anyone done a comparison?
You are not alone Jkalman, my experience tells me different as well; comments such as those by Dhaan do not phase me.

I think what happens is, people get an idea in their heads from other people or graphs and convince themselves they are hearing things that are not in all probability audible. Sadly, it is pervasive in this hobby... :(

Thanks for the support. I'll be back when I get a chance to hear the Salon2, though to be honest, unless I can put them in my room or unless the dealer's room is an adequate setup, I am loath to come to any overwhelming conclusions. I'll still be willing to give my impressions with any inherent disclaimers.

I'm still trying to find an environment where the Magico Minis have been set up well in my area. The Salon2 and the Magico Mini... Two speakers I would love to hear properly.
I am afraid it is on paper as well.

Yes, and outside your hearing range, unless you are prepubescent. Considering your comments, that is a possibility I am contemplating.

I invite you to point out some specific places on some specific albums where you heard this phenomenon. I admit, I am baffled by your conclusions and want the opportunity to listen to this problem myself. That shouldn't be too hard if you are basing this on an actual instances and not just prospecting via graph. Let us all learn from your experience. I'll gladly eat crow if I can't find other valid reasons for the idiosyncrasies using Adobe Audition and my alternate studio monitor setup. I'm not above admitting I am wrong; I'm only human...

I also entreat you to stop confusing my writing style with condescension. Perhaps it is just a case of your kettle calling this pot black... A case of terminal hypocrisy on your part.

You were right about one thing, I do leave arguments when I get bored. I'm sorry if you have bored me in the past. ;)

If the W/P 8 placed correct and match with the right component (generally with tube's amps), the sound is superb: rich but not fat, detail yet natural, control and extended.
I heard the Revel Salon 2 in the CES for a brief time, it was one of my best demos. At $22K, I think it's the best value for money together with the Magico V3.
Still, the W/P 8 is more involving than the Salon 2.
Very typical response. All open for a discussion
I'm not above admitting I am wrong; I'm only human
but then again, not really
I'm sorry if you have bored me in the past
Make up your mind. In the mean time, go listen to any decent violin or soprano recording and see how much of it you can take on your Watt. Then try the same on the Salon or even better the V3.
And yes, I know that a violin high note is only around 3.5K but its harmonics easily excites the break-up modes of the Watt. What you should hear is clear audible “grain” riding the entire treble. It would get worst as you increase the volume. Anyway, I am probably boring you again by now