@Audiolabyrinth thanks for clarifying the costs - that makes sense. jea48, ct0517's tech guy did not work at krell! Well of course not he is Canadian. But he has worked on the Master Krell Ref's. Can everyone working in the service dept at Krell these days say the same ? Now..... I don't "really" care about the answer - just think about it..... Ct0517, look, I do not know what krell amp you have or owned Not sure why not. I show a virtual page. You can see what I have. BTW what speakers are you using with the amp ? I have a huge bag of the old parts! Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. After all the public chat forms imo are for learning sharing and a little fun. here is a pic to give the others reading an idea************************************************** 03-08-15: Mrvordo First off, Krell IS NOT recommending that you simply replace your 15A breaker with a 30A breaker. What they do recommend is that in order to get the best out of the amp, use a 30A breaker with the APPROPRIATE wiring on a DEDICATED line. Appropriate wiring would, of course, include the appropriate outlet and plug. Thanks for clarifying Mrvordo. MrV and AudioLabyrinth My two rooms are in the basement adjacent to one another. B is closer to the Fuse panel over A the main room. I left a path - removeable ceiling - going from outside Room A, past Room B to the fuse panel for upgrades and changes. If I ever chose to add new line (30amp service), it would be very easy laying new line over the beams. The only costs being the electrician putting in the breaker. Have a nice day. beautiful looking Sunday. Happy Listening. |
Mrvordo, Did you tell Audiolabyrinth it was alright to install a NEMA 5-20R receptacle 125V 20 amp rated receptacle on a 30 amp branch so he could then plug in the NEMA 5-15P 125V 15 amp plug that is connected to a power cord that feeds the Krell 700W @8 ohm, 1400W @4 ohm, 2800W @ 2 ohm, with an up to 6000 Watt power consumption rating per Krell specs of the amp? 03-04-15: Audiolabyrinth Jea48, one of these audiogon members that has e-mailed me for months about the 30 amp breaker is MRvordo, you can consult with him, maybe bring him to this thread, he uses the 30 amp breaker on his krell 750mcx mono amps, I believe a 30 amp breaker for each?, any way, every aspect of what he said this will do for my amp was spot on correct, he is one among many others that have done this with no issues. Audiolabyrinth
03-08-15: Mrvordo I have come late to this party, and I didn't read every single post, so forgive me if I missed something important to the discussion.
First off, Krell IS NOT recommending that you simply replace your 15A breaker with a 30A breaker. What they do recommend is that in order to get the best out of the amp, use a 30A breaker with the APPROPRIATE wiring on a DEDICATED line. Appropriate wiring would, of course, include the appropriate outlet and plug. Mrvordo
Really? Curious why didn't Krell just install a 30 amp plug on the power cord to begin with? . Highlights..... 02-13-15: Audiolabyrinth Mitch2,That is funny!, my amp got way to hot on just a single pole 20 amp breaker, krell told me that my amp was designed to run on single pole 30 amp breaker, guess what, I did what krell told me to do, my amp has incredible dynamic's, bigger sound stage and transparency, and now for the kicker, the amp never run's hot and operates smoother, my krell kick's a 20 amp in the Axx! Audiolabyrinth
02-28-15: Audiolabyrinth Jea48, I do not understand why you would make humor of the truth, I had numerous others with the Krell 750MCX mono block's and the stereo Krell 700cx say the same thing, they encouraged me to use the 30 amp breaker as did krell them selfs,no one knows it all, we all learn from each other, I did not believe that the 30 amp breaker would do any thing either, but when I got 20hrs of break-in on the breaker, it turned out to be the best cheap tweak ever I have done in my life time, the benefit's was worth thousand's of dollar's to me! Audiolabyrinth
**************** 03-03-15: Audiolabyrinth Jim, you do not understand, Krell runs 30 amp braker on every krell 700cx, 750mcx amp there at the factory, BTW, I have 4 fuses, well with-in the current capability useing a 30 amp breaker, as I said befor, I am not useing all the 30 amps!,however, This amp in particular spikes well above 20 amps while in use, maybe you should call krell, then you will get all the theory as to why this works properly you want, remeber, this amp at full power is 6,000 watts! Audiolabyrinth
**************** +++++++++++++ 03-04-15: Audiolabyrinth Jea48, one of these audiogon members that has e-mailed me for months about the 30 amp breaker is MRvordo, you can consult with him, maybe bring him to this thread, he uses the 30 amp breaker on his krell 750mcx mono amps, I believe a 30 amp breaker for each?, any way, every aspect of what he said this will do for my amp was spot on correct, he is one among many others that have done this with no issues. Audiolabyrinth
++++++++++++++ 03-05-15: Audiolabyrinth thankyou ct0517, it is patrick bresnahan that asked the technician's and R&D design team about the 30 amp breaker, this was NOT my idea at all, it was numerous other big krell amp owner's and krell that made this sugestion to me,however, Patrick is correct about the male wall plug, I have no issues at all, but I also said, I will be getting a high performance male wall plug for sound, Not any thing else, if I decide I really want one, currently, I do not, cheers. Audiolabyrinth (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
03-06-15: Audiolabyrinth Jea48, Hi, believe it or not, I have $11,500.00 into my amp!, it is totally new out side nearly everything inside, however, I was shocked myself, I have no idea Jim as to why Krell used a inter power 15 amp wall plug on this captive power cord!, unless they were tring to save money,LOL!, the inter power I have is brass, ok sound for what it is, but you can see as to why going to a high end wall plug like the furutech FI-50 Rhodium that is overly built 20 amp would be a good idea, Jim, I talked to chris vanhause of vh-audio, he sells the 30 amp wall plug version of the FI-50, his words- why would you buy this?, the 30 amp only has a little bigger contact surface area inside, the side ways blade is for child safty or people that would try to plug this type of wall plug to a normal fitted wall outlet, their is NO difference in each one for sound or power handling., end quote, chris also told me he does not list the 30 amp wall plug version on his site, no need, the version he sales is cheaper and can handle a load that I have here for sure, that said, I believe krell also used the inter power 15 amp plug on my captive power cord because this will not make any difference useing a 30 amp circuit, I know you dont believe that Jim, however, I have no issues!, the wall plug does not in any way change temperture driving the amp hard, it stays cold all the time jim, like I said, I am only conterplating on this furutech FI-50M for sound purposses only because I have the matching wpo's-wall power outlet's, thankyou jim, I am reading into what you are posting, I do not disagree with you, but I am saying I have NO issues here with what I have set-up, I constanly check, cheers. Audiolabyrinth
quote "I believe krell also used the inter power 15 amp plug on my captive power cord because this will not make any difference useing a 30 amp circuit," . . Again for the umpteenth time there is no difference in the contacts or associated current carrying circuit parts of a 20 amp breaker or a 30 amp breaker! ONLY the TM, thermal and magnetic, trip setting are different. Any differences possibly heard could only be because of the contact seating of the contacts in the breaker or possibly the tension contact of the breaker to the bus tie of the bus of the electrical panel. Note the breaker connecting mechanism is made of exactly the same material for both the 20 amp breaker and the 30 amp breaker for that manufacture, model and style number. TRY A DIFFERENT 20 AMP BREAKER! Then listen again for any difference. IF you hear a difference it is all in your head! For those of you that are hell bent on using a 30 amp circuit connected to a 20 amp receptacle in violation of all electrical safety codes why are you limiting yourselves to using a 30 amp breaker? Why not stick a 60 amp breaker in the panel in place of the 30. Hell, better yet, eliminate the bottle neck breaker all together and tie the hot conductor for the branch circuit directly to the HOT bus on the panel. And for even better performance of the Krell amp eliminate all fusing inside the amp. Talk about a bottle neck, can you imagine all the electrons being forced to get into single file to pass through that small little wire inside the fuse. Let them run free.... . |
03-08-15: Jea48 For those of you that are hell bent on using a 30 amp circuit connected to a 20 amp receptacle in violation of all electrical safety codes why are you limiting yourselves to using a 30 amp breaker? Why not stick a 60 amp breaker in the panel in place of the 30. Hell, better yet, eliminate the bottle neck breaker all together and tie the hot conductor for the branch circuit directly to the HOT bus on the panel.
And for even better performance of the Krell amp eliminate all fusing inside the amp. Talk about a bottle neck, can you imagine all the electrons being forced to get into single file to pass through that small little wire inside the fuse. Let them run free.... It's about time you came around with some quality audiophile suggestions Jim!! That's how I have things wired up in my home. Get them stupid fuses out of there altogether! I found that a solid copper plug beats any of those fancy audiophile fuses! Also ALL circuit breakers, 20A, 30A, 60A, 100A interfere with the quality of the sound....PERIOD!! I have my hot conductor soldered directly to the hot buss on the panel, just as you suggest (using high purity silver solder of course). This is the ONLY way to go! The sound is much more open, lively and engaging. In fact, I even took it a step further, and tied the panel buss directly to my amps power supply, eliminating silly connectors and outlets!! This is heaven! The sound is so pure you would not believe it!!! Keep up the great advice!! ;^) Cheers, John |