Amp and preamp on same outlet?

Just how much of a no-no is this? ARC goes as far to print in their manual to say to have the amp and preamp on their own circuit. I live in an apt. and I'm forced to have both plugged into the same outlet. Cords just don't reach....How much sound quality is lost by doing this? It sounds great as is, but is there a major detriment to this? I'm curious.

I can hear a fly take a wizz on the 3rd chair cellist with my fuse slugs!!

LOL, now that's funny.
03-06-15: Jea48
Edit to my last post.

Do you know the ampere rating of the circuit breaker mounded in the back rear panel of the amp? 15 amp? 20 amp? Do you know if it is a magnetic trip breaker only?


I received info from Patrick Bresnahan at Krell that these are 50 amp breakers.

I provided some info in my previous post about how it works.

"Far better than any penny you have ever heard Michael."

I beg to differ; the NOS stamped pennies have better imaging and micro-detail than those Far East-sourced OEM cast plugs. It's actually a gnat taking the whizz on the second chair cellist. I can clearly hear the up and down pitch characteristic. For a typical fly, with a much lower incidence of BPH, you have a single steady pitch note. And it's 18" further to the right.
Jea and Jmcgrogan, I thought you two already knew that you can't teach a pig to sing, and I'm certainly not going to try. I think my post explained everything pretty clearly. If you already know it can't make a difference, then I guess it certainly isn't worth your time to actually try it.
For those who are open minded enough to try things like power cords, outlets, dedicated lines, etc., they will actually get to enjoy their systems even more. Those that don't won't.
Good listening,
I have two dedicated lines, but use only one. The benefits and cost of ac filters mean that I can afford only one and seeing to isolating it from vibrations also means use of only one outlet. Years ago I tried to have each mono block on one dedicated outlet. I found the filters were of much greater benefit than separate lines.