Branimir, Dev said that the Isis was a step up from the Eidolon Diamond, not the other way around. Regarding the MBL's, all I can say is that the first time I heard them was at RMAF 2 years ago, and I did not know what to think. The presentation was so different from what I was used to hearing that it startled me. After a while, however, I warmed up to them and could not stop listening to them for the rest of the show as well as the next 2 CESs in a row (where I listened to them for days on end).
The only major distinction between the MBL and more traditionally designed speakers that I heard which may be an issue for some (and perhaps what you and your pianist friend may be hearing) is the presentation difference in image specificity. The MBL's do not have the pin point/locked in/focused imaging of some the more traditional speaker designs. In retrospect, I realized that is what took me a while to get used to and what probably startled me at first. But then again, I'm not sure that laser like imaging/focus is all that it's cracked up to be after opening my ears up to the MBL presentation. Ultimately, it sounded more alive to me than anything else I have heard at any of the shows that I have attended.
Nilthepill, did you hear the Eidolons with any other electronics for compariosn? What was it about the sound that was not your cup of tea?
The only major distinction between the MBL and more traditionally designed speakers that I heard which may be an issue for some (and perhaps what you and your pianist friend may be hearing) is the presentation difference in image specificity. The MBL's do not have the pin point/locked in/focused imaging of some the more traditional speaker designs. In retrospect, I realized that is what took me a while to get used to and what probably startled me at first. But then again, I'm not sure that laser like imaging/focus is all that it's cracked up to be after opening my ears up to the MBL presentation. Ultimately, it sounded more alive to me than anything else I have heard at any of the shows that I have attended.
Nilthepill, did you hear the Eidolons with any other electronics for compariosn? What was it about the sound that was not your cup of tea?