The Sensible Sound, of all magazines, highly recommended the B&O, for the sound and technology. I've never seen such an effusive review of a piece of high-end equipment in that magazine before or since. They usually love things for two grand and other. See if you can get an archived copy of the review, well worth reading.
For this amount of money, please please audition two or three different speakers in your home. You can find dealers who will do that, and maybe, if B&O isn't willing to do that, maybe they are not the ones for you.
A general comment, if you plan on keeping these for a long time, they have many moving parts, built-in amplifier, etc. In other words, more stuff to go wrong, and if it does go wrong after the company stops supporting it, what, for instance will you do to replace the internal amps?
I am not a big fan of Class D amps, not any I personally have heard, but that does not mean YOU may think they are the best thing since the cheeseburger.
I would also consider not listening to those who say they might not be "audiophile speakers".... and their point is????? If you like how they sound, and if you like how they look, and if you have tried one or two other speakers and you still like it, then at least you know you made the right decision for you.... Not trying speakers in your home with your electronics is like not bothering to test drive a car because somebody gave you a ride, close but no cigar.
For this amount of money, please please audition two or three different speakers in your home. You can find dealers who will do that, and maybe, if B&O isn't willing to do that, maybe they are not the ones for you.
A general comment, if you plan on keeping these for a long time, they have many moving parts, built-in amplifier, etc. In other words, more stuff to go wrong, and if it does go wrong after the company stops supporting it, what, for instance will you do to replace the internal amps?
I am not a big fan of Class D amps, not any I personally have heard, but that does not mean YOU may think they are the best thing since the cheeseburger.
I would also consider not listening to those who say they might not be "audiophile speakers".... and their point is????? If you like how they sound, and if you like how they look, and if you have tried one or two other speakers and you still like it, then at least you know you made the right decision for you.... Not trying speakers in your home with your electronics is like not bothering to test drive a car because somebody gave you a ride, close but no cigar.