Have you heard the latest Merlin VSM-MXe speakers?

Have you heard the latest Merlin VSM-MXe Speakers? — "Wow!!!" That's what I said after setting up these wonderful and beautiful speakers and listening for about one minute to a very familiar CD. I mean straight out of the box with only about 8 hours of playing time at the factory they simply overwhelmed me! Where have they been all my audiophile life? Why did I not find Bobby Palkovic's masterpiece before now?

How could he make this kind of music with two drivers in not so big, but absolutely drop-dead gorgeous piano black lacquered, cabinets, and an electronic box called a 'Super BAM'? I don't know! Wow!!! In my 50 years of putting systems together... including such speakers as double KLH-9 and Martin-Logan electrostatics... Fulton Premiers... the biggest of the Magneplaner speakers with the four bass panels... Wilson Watt Puppies with the Whow... and, on and on. Merlin VSM-MXe's are the BEST!

I've had them breaking in for 10 days now, and they have compelled me to listen to one favorite CD after another into the wee hours of the night. They are so musical! They have just the right texture... female vocals have that "slobber" factor... strings twang with all the nuances. They are coherent and transparent... and, oh so dynamic! The soundstage is deep and wide with the right height. And, when you close your eyes they simply disappear, leaving you with the people and the instruments performing right there in your living room. They make music!

Folks, don't ever listen to these speakers if you can't buy them... you will be sick until you can. Bobby, you did it!

I first purchased the Merlin TSM-MMe Monitors about one year ago after a respected dealer told me I should try them. I was totally satisfied with the sound, even though I was missing a little on the bottom end. They are the best monitor speakers I've ever had. But, I kept thinking, "If the TSM's are this good, how could the VSM's be so much better?" So, I just had to see... you know... the audiophile thing.

If you have never had Merlin speakers, the TSM's are a good place to start, and they will wet your appetite. But, just know that one day, as I was compelled to do, you will have to step up and get the big ones. They are complete! You will instantly hear what you have been missing in other speaker systems.

Now, I can sit back, relax, and enjoy the music. It's all there!
hi carlos, thanks for your thoughts.
most times this is the way i prefer it but there are always exceptions and those too, are personal.
dr, george you say, in brazil?
Having owned 4 versions of the VSM speaker (VSM Gen 3, VSM SE, VSM M, VSM MX), I called Bobby at the factory to discuss the MXe upgrade. The VSM has been a labor of love for him and with each version of the speaker, they have improved substantially.

To wet my appetite, he suggested I have my Cardas GR internal bi-wire cables re-terminated to single wire and give the lead free jumpers and LF BAM power cord a try in the interim.

Off to Cardas my cables went and a few days later they were back. Bobby's jumpers and BAM PC installed, I let my rig burn for 50 hours before I sat down to do some serious listening.

It is difficult to believe how much difference this simple change has made. There seems to be a real match between the energy of the drivers. It is like they have taken a deep breath and mellowed out. The speakers are fuller sounding top to bottom, have more and better bass control, stage is deeper, wider and higher. There is better layering in the SS and images are denser and much more palpable. Very sweet indeed. After wetting my appetite, I called Bobby to arrange an upgrade to MXe.

My MX are off to the factory later in the month for the "full Monty" MXe upgrade.

Current Rig

JE LA 150 mk 2
JE VZN 100 monos
VPI Super Scout Cardas pick up
Cardas GR wire, power cords
Sound Application PLC w/ Elrod Statement

can anybody tell me the difference(s) between the:

VSM MXe and the VSM MMe?

According to a friend of mine it's just the finish. But I heard other people, who said there were some more exclusive parts in the MXe too.

What is correct?

Thank you very much,

the vsm mxe has a special polymer coat embedded in the finish layers that does a superb job of damping the cabinet surface to a greater degree. the mme does not have this. the finish costs merlin close to $1000 a pair to have done. there is one more cryoed part in the network and a different torque setting for the driver fasteners. the mxe sounds more continuous and centered to the midrange making it more expansive than the mme by a slim margin. the mme is ever so slightly more relaxed in the mids making the central and upper bass slightly fuller by comparison. the mme is superb with ss or leaner tubes while the mxe is better with all out tube systems. both sound very similar. the mme is easier to get great sound out of because it is slightly more forgiving while the mxe is capable of more but you need more of a system to show this off.
if you need more information please call me at the factory at 585 367 2390.
best regards,
Bobby knows his speakers, and knows how to describe them. If I had SS and was committed to it I would get the MMe. If I was into tubes (I am) I would get the MXe because I would always be wondering if I should have gone for the MXe if I had the MMe - and there is enough to worry about in life.

Now if you are not a worrier (are you an audiophile?) you could get either version with SS or tubes and realize you own some of the finest speakers available (at any price)no matter which you choose and you have better things to worry about.