A fifth option is to have the amplifier updated with a balanced input. Its not that hard (finding a place to put the connector is the hardest part), its cheap to do, does not change the character of the amp, does not use transformers, and does process both the inverted and non-inverted phases of the signal correctly.
We have been doing this update for years. But its not hard and any technician qualified to work on audio electronics could do it.
How it works: all tubes have two inputs, the grid and the cathode. Normally the cathode is ignored as an input. In this case we put it to work. While the result is differential, it is not truly balanced, but it does work quite well. The RCA input becomes pin 2 (signal) and pin 1 ground), pin 3 is the cathode input; a coupling cap is installed for this purpose. The input impedance is low but if the output impedance of the preamp is as low as touted, this is not and issue.
The problem you are up against is that normally balanced and single-ended connections really are not that compatible (one result of that is hum and buzz if there it trouble). But there are ways to make things work- we've been doing this longer than anyone else so we've learned a few tricks along the way.
We have been doing this update for years. But its not hard and any technician qualified to work on audio electronics could do it.
How it works: all tubes have two inputs, the grid and the cathode. Normally the cathode is ignored as an input. In this case we put it to work. While the result is differential, it is not truly balanced, but it does work quite well. The RCA input becomes pin 2 (signal) and pin 1 ground), pin 3 is the cathode input; a coupling cap is installed for this purpose. The input impedance is low but if the output impedance of the preamp is as low as touted, this is not and issue.
The problem you are up against is that normally balanced and single-ended connections really are not that compatible (one result of that is hum and buzz if there it trouble). But there are ways to make things work- we've been doing this longer than anyone else so we've learned a few tricks along the way.