
Hello everybody, I'm having a system change but in the first instance I'd like to keep my pre amp as it's the nicest preamp I've heard. Now I have a conundrum.... The Einstein only has balanced outputs and I'm looking at single ended triode power amps. Therefore my question is this... Can I use a pair of xlr-Rica adapters on the output of the Einstein that ground the - pin of the output. What would be the downside of doing this ??
I'd probably find another SE pre in time if this is not such a good solution but this would allow me to spread the cost out right now.

Thanks all.
A fifth option is to have the amplifier updated with a balanced input. Its not that hard (finding a place to put the connector is the hardest part), its cheap to do, does not change the character of the amp, does not use transformers, and does process both the inverted and non-inverted phases of the signal correctly.

We have been doing this update for years. But its not hard and any technician qualified to work on audio electronics could do it.

How it works: all tubes have two inputs, the grid and the cathode. Normally the cathode is ignored as an input. In this case we put it to work. While the result is differential, it is not truly balanced, but it does work quite well. The RCA input becomes pin 2 (signal) and pin 1 ground), pin 3 is the cathode input; a coupling cap is installed for this purpose. The input impedance is low but if the output impedance of the preamp is as low as touted, this is not and issue.

The problem you are up against is that normally balanced and single-ended connections really are not that compatible (one result of that is hum and buzz if there it trouble). But there are ways to make things work- we've been doing this longer than anyone else so we've learned a few tricks along the way.
I love this forum... so many experienced people who are happy to help.....

So not as simple as I first thought.

Al...I like the sound of the flex connect it looks... flexible and it can stay with me agnostic of amp.

Atmas how about having my local technician install a pair of single ended outputs on the Einstein... I think Einstein offer this as an option in its pre-amps now so it is do-able, but I'm not sure how complicated it is. My pre-amp is cosmetically second rate so I'd rather work there...I'll investigate.

I don't know what SET I'll end up with yet but installing a balanced input would be something to keep in mind too.

Thanks Both, much appreciated.
The advantage of balanced operation is that your cables will impose less artifact on the system if the balanced line standard is observed. If you go single-ended you loose that advantage.

This is why its to your advantage to receive the balanced signal at the amplifier even if it is single-ended. A transformer input is an excellent solution as most line transformers will have wider bandwidth than most SETs, and if I am not mistaken, you are looking for an SET with a little more power to go with those Devores as I saw on another thread. So a line transformer will not impose any coloration (Jensen makes excellent transformers for this purpose). Devores, like Tannoys, like a bit of power.

It is cheaper though and just as effective to have the amp set up to process the signal directly as I posted above. If the SET designer does not acknowledge how that is possible, have them contact me and I can walk them through it.
Atmas.. As usual you make a lot of sense. I really hadn't thought about maintaining the advantage of The balanced cables.

Thanks for your kind offer of technical know how. When I decide on my amp I'll talk to my designer and see if he is confident in doing this and if he has questions I'll point him in your direction. Again thanks very much for your generosity. :-).

No worries- and just so we are clear, the update I am suggesting takes very little time to implement, with possibly one part added per channel in some cases, in other cases no parts are even added.