Satellites or full range?

I always wanted to know if a good quality satellites and a subwoofer can be compared with a full range speakers in terms of sound quality at high volume levels. Im not talking about any particular system just the concept: can I get the same level of satisfaction?. Thanks in advance.
Possibility with the sub/sat is high. Often with full range, the best placement for midrange and up is not the best for bass and vice versa. In a comparison, the best chances for the sub/sat to win would be a lower x/o point and blending the phase where they hand off at that point.
Yes, I felt the sub got the low notes well, but it seemed to lack the mid bass warmth. When the bass can be handled by a couple 10 inch woofers and maybe a 12, the detail and ability to hear the full range is better. However, my friend's smaller room with the walls closer to the monitors helped the midbass warmth. I hope I explained that well.
Yes, clear now Hifimaniac. Thanks to all for the responses. Now I know the way to go.
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I have to agree with Bob. By having the ability to place the subwoofer separate from the mid/hi you can maximize the subwoofer interaction with the room. It also allows you to move the mid/hi into the room and away from walls, thus providing you with a more solid "image" and, perhaps, a deeper soundstage.

When everything is in one cabinet, you lose this cpability. Plus, you have to deal with the woofer's vibrations and it's effect upon the [erformance of the other drivers...
