when is a speaker considered full range?

i have system audio sa1750's as my mains and was wondering if they would be considered full range.I've heard different opinions as to what full range should be but i'm still not sure.thanks
Sa1750 specs-
Ppower handling: 180 Watts
· Impedance: 4 Ohms
· Requency response (+/- 3 dB): 40 - 40.000 Hz
· Sensitivity (1W, 1m): 90 dB
· Crossover (24 dB/oct.): 700 / 3000 Hz
· Dimensions (W x H x D) cm: 13 x 105 x 28,9
· Woofers: 4 x 4"
· Tweeter: 1 x 1"
I guess this has been summed up pretty well.I had no intenion of obtaining full range speakers as i am totally content and happy about the speakers i have.I was only trying to find out if they were full range(of course not)as i did not really know what a full range speaker consisted of.So my thanks to all who ave responded.
Full range means down to about 30 Hz. There is nothing really from a musical instrument below that - even if we can hear to 20 Hz.

Like others have pointed out - full range is WAY over-rated! Give me quality low distortion correct timbre sound flat between 80 and 12 Khz anyday over full range flat but distorted between 20 and 20 Khz.
Shadorne....I'll grant you that we can get along without 12KHz -20 KHz (oh to be young again), but for some kinds of music there is indeed signal down to, and sometimes below, 20 Hz. To get it with any kind of power you need lots and lots of big drivers. A pipe organ, for example, is felt as much as heard. However, if this lowest octave is missing in the reproduced sound it can still sound good. Untill you hear the recording on a system with extreme LF response you don't know it's missing.