Speaker Cables...Opinions....

Will be setting up 2 Plinius SA-102 in bridged/mono to power B&W 802D's. Any suggestions for a good cable match? My preferences lean toward detail and dynamics to feed my rock addiction, both digital and analog but jazz manages some play time as well. Love a good piano player. I am planning to biwire, maybe 2 separate runs per channel. Significant improvement over internal biwire? Plinius has 2 sets of binding posts so I assume this is a plus..... Thanks in advance for any advice.....

Rest of System:
Basis 2001-RB-900-CJ EV1
Theta Jade transport-DCS Delius and Purcell (pre firewire vers.)
CJ 16LSII preamp
Synergistic Research cables...(may change these as well...not thrilled with the
mini-coupler situation)
I'd recommend Jade Audio Vermeil speaker cables. FWIW, the designer, JD MacRae is also using a pair of Plinius SA-102's in his reference system.
If you are looking for something more in the mainstream, I'd recommend a pair of Stealth Hybrid MLT's, these are also excellent cables, and you'll have a better chance of finding a used pair.

As for bi-wiring, I think it offers some benefit if you can afford it. In my experiences though, I have found better performance from a single pair of higher quality speaker cables than by splitting the cost on two lesser speaker cables. In other words, I'd go for a single pair of Stealth Dream Petite's before I'd consider bi-wiring with a pair of Hybrid MLT's. If you have even more to spend, I'd go with a single pair of Dreams before bi-wiring with the Dream Petite's. If you can afford to bi-wire with Stealth Dreams, go for it dude!!

Of course, as always, YMMV.

i don't know what cables have to do with music taste. but i have 800d's powered by mono krell evo 600's and i have found nothing that sounds better then 4(each channel) strands of 23gage 99.9995 pure silver wire with striped ends(no connectors, just siver treatment if you like), run bi-wired with a strand to each post. mine are 24inchs in lenth. i have listen to many $5000.00 plus speaker cables(including the new synergistic tesla) none sounded better or more powerful. not that it matters, i listen to mostly classic and new rock. don't get caught up in the hype and give it a try, then you can put your money where it realy makes a diferense, like an RCM.