Treble of Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand?

Id love to purchase these speakers, but I have heard that
the top end is a bit soft and not very dynamic. Any folks
here own these speakers and have thoughts?
I'm agreement with Dave.

My beloved Haydns (HT) are paired with Musical Fidelity A308 power amp (250 watts dual mono.) It's a good match for the Haydns. Lots of clean current and dynamics. I get good midbass and I have no complaints about the treble.

Last night I listened to "Indigo CD" by Patrick O'Hearn (Keyboards, Electronics, Bass & Percussion). The CD has lots of different percussion sounds and electronic sounds that are very dynamic with amazing depth. I usually don't play vocals (I'm strictly Jazz trio or instrumentals) but last night for whatever reason played "The Raven" by Rebecca Pigeon. Great recording voice (not that crazy about the music) but I loved how the Haydns presented her voice in large soundstage and the little micro details of closing of the lips and breathing. Yeah I heard all of that...and vocals are not my main thing.

This reviewer at stereo mojo must really have a bone to
pick with Vienna Acoustics beacause he really hated these
speakers. He conducted a "small speaker shootout" and all
3 panelists agreed with him that they would NOT recommend
the Haydn Grands.
Check out this review at stereo and let me know
your thoughts. They are the ONLY reveiwer I found on the
web with such negative comments on the Haydns
Yeah, that Mojo guy is interesting. The fact that he sets of speakers using measurement speaks volumes to me. No one can measure there way to speaker placement, IMHO. He criticizes others for letting Sumiko place the speakers, but I think his thinking is flawed.

My experience is in line with TAS. Of course, I've only heard them set up by a Sumiko expert, using the Sumiko Master Set technology. Set up is critically important for ANY speaker. If I were a professional reviewer I would learn how to do the Sumiko Master Set so that I'd be certain to review each speaker in their best light.

If you truly read our review, you would see that our findings AND measurements were exactly the same as two other well regarded European mags. We even quote them at the end of the review. The difference is, they copped out and did not state the obvious that these speakers as evidenced by three reviews on two different continents in at least three different systems and rooms did not fair very well. if you want to lean on TAS, that's fine. Just ask yourself when is the last time they actually recommended that you not bother to audition something?

"Yeah, that Mojo guy is interesting. The fact that he sets of (sic) speakers using measurement speaks volumes to me"

BTW< we did not set them up after we took the measurements. They were set up according to the manual.