Wilson Maxx2 or Aerial 20T

Understanding they are at a different price point I'd like everyones thoughts of the merits of each. Thanks for your help. Currently have 20Ts but am thinking of moving to Wilson Maxx2.
I have not heard anything above the 10T, and am sure the 20T
is in another league. I have not owned a Wilson since a W3P2
in the early 90's. If I were looking like FM540i, I would certainly wonder what the sacrifices may be even though power
and dynamics may be superior in the WP 8. A dealer who carries
both is Terry Menacker at Overture in Delaware. He has been
in the business for a good stretch.
if the aerials are "refined" enough for you at this point, as far as reaching deep enough into recordings and extracting the heart of the music, the extra bass and throwing a better stage are not great reasons for upgrading. however, if you feel the midrange is "muddled" or indistinct, you may continue to feel disappointed in them. i upgraded from a 20K speaker to one costing 3X as much, and i got more bass than i needed (13Hz) and super-tweeters i couldn't hear, but i did get a good deal more clarity in the mid's, and better separation of instruments overall. but to be perfectly honest if i had never done the upgrade and still be listening to what i had (eggleston andra-2's) i would be none the wiser. although i would still be looking at maxx-2's (and all that jazz)- in fact i DID audition the maxx's when they came out thinking i could get the alexandria's for one-third the money. but then i heard the alexandrias and they were most definitely in another league altogether. satisfy your thirst and try to hear the alex-2's so you can say you heard "the best speaker in the world" according to wilson's ad's- oh that's right, they say that would be "pretentious. but seriously, go hear a super-speaker like that and "get it out of your system".
now i want to drive a ferrari 'cause my camry doesn't take the corners like i always wanted...
Interesting take on the issue. I don't drive a Ferrari but I do drive a 997 C4S. Will that do?
"Interesting take on the issue. I don't drive a Ferrari but I do drive a 997 C4S. Will that do?"

I would imagine......some people have all the luck.