How critical is placement for Vandy 2 ce Sig. ?

I'm looking to replace my B&W 703's and am considering Vandersteen 2ce Signature. I don't have much flexibility in terms of location. According to the Stereophile review, the Vandy's must be biwired and need at least 5 feet clearance from back wall. I have only about three feet and don't know it this will be a problem. Anyone know about either of these issues? Thanks!
The setup instructions are in the owners manual which is located on the V. websight. You really need to follow the instructions as close as possible to obtain the performance built into these speakers. 3 feet may be enough depending on your other room conditions and size. It is, as alaways, a big DEPENDS!
I have these peaskers and they need room to breathe in order to stage properly. Give em at least 18 inches sides and behind (perferably more here, I use about 30 inches). Also aim them somwhere between straight ahead and a little turned inward but if you can just barely see the inside edge, then you've gone too far in my experience.