Planar close to a rear wall? Quad for example?

In my room I have about 1 foot clearance for a speaker from the rear wall. Can this be done with one of the new Quads or is this just a pipe dream?

IMO, for the newer 2905/2805, or older 989/988's they need to be further out from the wall than a foot. Some suggest 3-6 feet (check older threads -- some good info). They do better with some rear breathing room and a sound panel on the back wall.
You may want to consider a hybrid like the VMPS RM-30's. They sound nice, and can be placed like that. I mention the VMPS because I've heard them set up that way.....I'm sure there are lots of others too.

I have dipole panels, however mine are placed at 62 inches out.

you could put QUADS in the middle of the room or very near the side walls but the rear wall is a killer

NO sorry
I have to agree- Dipolar radiators just DO NOT do well close to the rear wall.