Quad 57 stacked v Wilson watt puppy 6/7

Can anyone tell me how a pair of stacked quads with ribbon horn tweeters would compare with the wilson watt puppies and the yamaha ns1000??
The quads are the best speakers I have ever owned. My past speakers include
harbeth 30, audio physic avanti, avantgarde duo horns, reynaud offrandes.
i understand the Yamaha and the wilson watt puppies second hand are some of the greatest speakers of all time???
can you say an apple is better than an orange ??

the quads and any cone speaker are two totally different technologies. one can never be better than another. they are different.

one may prefer one to the other.

in my case any cone system comes in second when compared to stacked quads. however, i would not say the quads are better.
David Wilson is a world class marketeer. The Quad 57, even unstacked, is a world class speaker. There is a profound diference between hype and performance. Try to forget what the magazine reviewers are pushing as the flavor of the month and listen for yourself. I predict that the results will be unambiguous.
I have owned Quad 63's, Yamaha ns1000's, and now have wp 7's. I am also familiar with Q 57's. Quite aside from the vitriol that some seem to relish towards Wilson, many reviewers OWN Wilson speakers as their reference. Can they all be so wrong? All speakers relate to amplification in different ways and ss and tubes are two unique and sonic approaches that change the character of any good/great speaker. I can give you a very good idea what these speakers sound like. I still use both high end tube and ss amps as a way to change the sound periodically rather than searching for the illusive holygrail. I listened to ns 1000,s last night and they still sound great although they sound better with tubes. I still miss the quads some of the time. My wife who has close to golden ears loves all of them. If you are interested in a verbal discussion about these speakers, e-mail me and I will send you my phone number. Most of the high end is more about what you have been convinced you should like or convinced yourself that you should like than any "absolute sound" since if such an animal does exist, is subjective to human interpretation. The very concept of absolute brings into play the nature of doubt. They are in constant conflict and the only way to avoid doubt is to become a true believer. Hence the obsession with "truth" since it provides a security blanket. Remember, music shoud be fun and the anxiety we all create within the high end is of our own making. I could still live comfortably with any of the speakers you mention although for practicality, I would prefer the 63's over the 57's. The old joke was you needed two pair of 57's, one to listen and one being sent in for repair. Enjoy.